À propos de Camilo Restrepo Arquitectos

Camilo Restrepo is an architect graduated from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín in 1998. He has a Master in Urbanism, urban culture an architecture from Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya. He teaches in UPB, Medellin, since 2000. His studio is located in Medellin since 2000. Camilo Restrepo Architects is an architecture agency concearned in a clean paractice of architecture developed through the managing, production and administration of the built environment.
He has been lecturer at E.A.T Engadine Art Talks 2010, Switzerland, The Museum of Contemporary art in Barcelona, At ARQUINE congress, Mexico , at TU Delft in Holland, At the Cooper Union in New York, at different Universities in Spain, such as ETSAM in Madrid, IaaC in Barcelona. He has been a lecturer in different countries as Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Venezuela. His work has been Published as a Monography by Mesa Editores in 2009, and in some magazines as: Abitare, Paisajes, Arquine, Taschen, Bauwelt, Arquitectura Vivam Summa +, Arq, etc.
His work has been exhibited at the National Triennal of Design 2010, Cooper Hewitt Museum, New York. At the London architecture Festival 2010. At Post, Post, Post at CCCE in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010. First Bienale of Young Latinamerican architecture, Pamplona, Spain 2008. Has been awarded with the Blue pen Price in Colombia in 2008 with the Orquideorama, project made in association with J. Paul Restrepo and Plan B architects.
Has been finalist and prized in different competitions an biennales such as Colombian architecture Biennale, Honorable mention. Biennale Iberoamericana of architecture and Urbanism 2008, Selection finalist. Has been awarded with the Iron Pen award for design in Colombia in 2010 with the project for the IBD (Interamerican Bank for Development) Exhibition. Bauwelt 1:1 as selected project 2004, Germany. He currently leaves and works in Medellin, Colombia.

Camilo Restrepo is an architect graduated from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín in 1998. He has a Master in Urbanism, urban culture an architecture from Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya. He teaches in UPB, Medellin, since 2000. His studio is located in Medellin since 2000. Camilo Restrepo Architects is an architecture agency concearned in a clean paractice of architecture developed through the managing, production and administration of the built environment.
He has been lecturer at E.A.T Engadine Art Talks 2010, Switzerland, The Museum of Contemporary art in Barcelona, At ARQUINE congress, Mexico , at TU Delft in Holland, At the Cooper Union in New York, at different Universities in Spain, such as ETSAM in Madrid, IaaC in Barcelona. He has been a lecturer in different countries as Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Venezuela. His work has been Published as a Monography by Mesa Editores in 2009, and in some magazines as: Abitare, Paisajes, Arquine, Taschen, Bauwelt, Arquitectura Vivam Summa +, Arq, etc.
His work has been exhibited at the National Triennal of Design 2010, Cooper Hewitt Museum, New York. At the London architecture Festival 2010. At Post, Post, Post at CCCE in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010. First Bienale of Young Latinamerican architecture, Pamplona, Spain 2008. Has been awarded with the Blue pen Price in Colombia in 2008 with the Orquideorama, project made in association with J. Paul Restrepo and Plan B architects.
Has been finalist and prized in different competitions an biennales such as Colombian architecture Biennale, Honorable mention. Biennale Iberoamericana of architecture and Urbanism 2008, Selection finalist. Has been awarded with the Iron Pen award for design in Colombia in 2010 with the project for the IBD (Interamerican Bank for Development) Exhibition. Bauwelt 1:1 as selected project 2004, Germany. He currently leaves and works in Medellin, Colombia.