À propos de David Cardelús

David Cardelús

Els Encants Flea Market by b720 Arquitectos, Barcelona, Spain

Zero Zero Tower by Enric Massip, Barcelona, Spain

Casa Xavi i Sheila, Berga, Spain

Barcelona Suites Hotel by Toyo Ito, Barcelona, Spain

Porta Fira Hotel, Barcelona, Spain
An experienced architectural photographer, David Cardelús specialises in the photography of contemporary architecture, creating compelling images that are both artworks and specific communication tools. His photographs have been acclaimed for their distinctive graphical plasticity. A Fine Arts background has developed David’s particular appreciation of light, form and colour and his discerning eye for serene, minimalist compositions that distill the vision of the architects, interior designers, publishers and companies he works for.
Born in 1967 and raised in Barcelona, David majored in photography, film and video from Universitat de Barcelona Fine Arts School in 1991. His degree course work included painting, drawing and sculpture, as well as narrative, semiotics and communication. Other courses at the Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya included XIXth century photographic techniques and the photographic representation of the human body.
David has twice been placed as a finalist in the European Architectural Photography Prize Architekturbild in 1995, People and Architecture, and 1999, Architecture in Context. David’s photographs of the Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners ‘Las Arenas’ Barcelona Project featured in the 2012 Civic Trust Awards. His architectural and fine art photographs have featured in two honorable mentions within the Buildings and Cityscapes categories of the 2013 International Photography Awards, sponsored by the Lucie Foundation.
Since year 2004, David has been lecturing on architectural photography at Universitat Pompeu Fabra ELISAVA school for graduates taking master degrees in interior design. The course analyses a wide range of architectural photographs and discusses their use as communication tools in books, magazines and blogs. David is a member of the Unió de Professionals de la Imatge i Fotografia de Catalunya and constantly updates his photographic equipment, imaging software and skills in order to offer his clients the best of his professional abilities.
Some clients
ACTAR, A+U Japan, Barcelona City Council, Casa Batlló, Condé Nast International, Ermenegildo Zegna, L35 Arquitectos, MAP Arquitectos, Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, Peter Marino Architect, The Office of the President of Catalonia, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners.

David Cardelús

Els Encants Flea Market by b720 Arquitectos, Barcelona, Spain

Zero Zero Tower by Enric Massip, Barcelona, Spain

Casa Xavi i Sheila, Berga, Spain

Barcelona Suites Hotel by Toyo Ito, Barcelona, Spain

Porta Fira Hotel, Barcelona, Spain
An experienced architectural photographer, David Cardelús specialises in the photography of contemporary architecture, creating compelling images that are both artworks and specific communication tools. His photographs have been acclaimed for their distinctive graphical plasticity. A Fine Arts background has developed David’s particular appreciation of light, form and colour and his discerning eye for serene, minimalist compositions that distill the vision of the architects, interior designers, publishers and companies he works for.
Born in 1967 and raised in Barcelona, David majored in photography, film and video from Universitat de Barcelona Fine Arts School in 1991. His degree course work included painting, drawing and sculpture, as well as narrative, semiotics and communication. Other courses at the Institut d’Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya included XIXth century photographic techniques and the photographic representation of the human body.
David has twice been placed as a finalist in the European Architectural Photography Prize Architekturbild in 1995, People and Architecture, and 1999, Architecture in Context. David’s photographs of the Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners ‘Las Arenas’ Barcelona Project featured in the 2012 Civic Trust Awards. His architectural and fine art photographs have featured in two honorable mentions within the Buildings and Cityscapes categories of the 2013 International Photography Awards, sponsored by the Lucie Foundation.
Since year 2004, David has been lecturing on architectural photography at Universitat Pompeu Fabra ELISAVA school for graduates taking master degrees in interior design. The course analyses a wide range of architectural photographs and discusses their use as communication tools in books, magazines and blogs. David is a member of the Unió de Professionals de la Imatge i Fotografia de Catalunya and constantly updates his photographic equipment, imaging software and skills in order to offer his clients the best of his professional abilities.
Some clients
ACTAR, A+U Japan, Barcelona City Council, Casa Batlló, Condé Nast International, Ermenegildo Zegna, L35 Arquitectos, MAP Arquitectos, Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, Peter Marino Architect, The Office of the President of Catalonia, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners.