À propos de Götessons

The Gotessons brand is a leader in acoustic screens and maximizing work space as a response to the global trends of open spaces and smaller work surfaces.
"From workplace to creative space", Gotessons design, develop and market quality products for the office environment.
We now export our Swedish produced TABLE & FLOOR DIVIDING SCREENS & other accessories such as monitors arms, CPU holders, electrical accessories and soft seating to over 39 countries in three main branches, office, conference and hotel.
Our strengths are our constant product development, large product range and a quick, straight forward approach in adapting our products to your needs. That way we create solutions that make our customers life easier, more fun and better looking. That’s our every day attitude at Gotessons and every day we see new evidence that we succeed in what we do.
Founded in 1984, the Company had a sales turnover of 27,4M € in 2018 of which approximately 64,9% to export. Gotessons is AAA classified and has a very healthy growth rate.

The Gotessons brand is a leader in acoustic screens and maximizing work space as a response to the global trends of open spaces and smaller work surfaces.
"From workplace to creative space", Gotessons design, develop and market quality products for the office environment.
We now export our Swedish produced TABLE & FLOOR DIVIDING SCREENS & other accessories such as monitors arms, CPU holders, electrical accessories and soft seating to over 39 countries in three main branches, office, conference and hotel.
Our strengths are our constant product development, large product range and a quick, straight forward approach in adapting our products to your needs. That way we create solutions that make our customers life easier, more fun and better looking. That’s our every day attitude at Gotessons and every day we see new evidence that we succeed in what we do.
Founded in 1984, the Company had a sales turnover of 27,4M € in 2018 of which approximately 64,9% to export. Gotessons is AAA classified and has a very healthy growth rate.