À propos de Marte.Marte Architekten ZT GmbH

Bernhard Marte, born 1966 in Dornbirn/Vorarlberg
Stefan Marte, born 1967 in Dornbirn/Vorarlberg
The brothers Bernhard and Stefan Marte made their Master of architecture at the technical
University of Innsbruck amongst others with Professor Othmar Barth and Rainer Köberl. The collaboration of Stefan in the architectural office Gohm+Hiessberger was followed by the foundation of their own office in 1993 in Weiler. There built work is well known far beyond the Austrian borders although they are designed and established in a small town in Austria. Several won competitions and awards prove the international status of this young office.
Beside two Austrian state-awards Marte.Marte projects have won several national and international awards. The monograph “Marte.Marte Architects”, which was published by SpringerWienNewYork in 2008, was awarded with the state award “most beautiful Austrian book” and with the silver medal for the “most beautiful book of the world” in Leipzig. One of the most renowned European galleries of architecture Aedes in Berlin has shown a monographic exhibition about Marte.Marte with the title “concrete works” in December 2009.
Several won competitions like the ‘Asfinag Motorway Maintenance Area’ in Salzburg, the ‘Teacher Training College’ in Vienna or the ‘Exhibition Center of the Federal Foundation Flight, Expulsion, Reconciliation’ in Berlin are right now in the planning stage. 2012 the ‘Mountain Cabin’ in the Laternser-Valley has been accomplished and already won several international awards like the red dot, the WAN award and the Architizer A+Award.
The most outstanding projects of the past few years are the ‘Diocesan Museum Fresach’, the ‘Roman Villa’, the ‘Bathhouse’, the ‘Alfenz Bridge’, the ‘Special school and dormitory Mariatal’, the ‘Schanerloch Bridge’ and the ‘Maiden Tower’.
*New surgery area hospital Dornbirn | Dornbirn 2014 1. position
*Fair halls 9-12 Dornbirn | Dornbirn 2014 1. position
*Kindergarden Dornbirn Marktstrasse | Dornbirn 2013 1. position
*redevelopement and extension schoolcenter Kleinwalsertal | Riezlern 2012 1. Position
*BOMAG service center | Boppard 2011 4. Position
*Exhibition Center of the Federal Foundation Flight, Expulsion, Reconcilitation | Berlin 2011 1. Position
*Kindergarden Lochau Süd | Lochau 2011 1. position
*Kindergarden Muntlix | Zwischenwasser 2011 2. position
*Residential accomodation olympic village | Innsbruck 2011 3. Position
*Tiwag Kwb-Leistelle | Tirol 2011 2. position
*Kindergarden | Lustenau 2011 2. position
*Bridge Landsberg |germany 2011 2. position
*Asfinag motor-way maintenance area | salzburg 2011 1. position
*Kindergarden Rheindorf-Lustenau | Vorarlberg 2011 2. position
*Asyl center Eglisau | Swiss 2011 1. position
*ETH research building GLC | Zurich 2010 3. Position
*Richard-Wagner-Museum Bayreuth | Bayreuth 2010 4. position
*Pedagogical college Niederösterreich Baden | Baden 2010 1. position
*New archive of art Beeskow | Deutschland 2010 2. position
*Museum Richard Wagner Bayreuth | Bayreuth 2010 4. position
*Museum of homeland Montafon | Schruns 2009 1. position
*Austrian castle Radolfzell | Germany 2009 1. position
*Diocesan museum Fresach | Kärnten 2009 1. position
*Museum central cemetery Vienna | Vienna 2009 2. position
*Hotel and office building Öfag | Salzburg 2009 2. position
*Special pedagogical center Dornbirn | Dornbirn 2008 1. position
*Elementary School | Wels-Mauth 2007 1. position
*Research-, Development- and Trainingcenter for NET | Salzburg 2007 1. position
*Trade School of Tourism | Villach 2007 1. position
*New Exhibition Buildings for Bergisel | Innsbruck 2006 2. position
*Dwelling Home Gerard | [D] Freiburg 2006 1. position
*New Bridge for Pedestrians and Cyclists over the River Ill | Feldkirch 2005 1. position
*Residential accomodation and Nursing Home “am Lohbach” | Innsbruck 2005 1. position
*Modification of the offices and representative areas of the Austrian Presidential 1. position
*Chambers Hofburg | Vienna 2005 1. position
*Exhibition Concept at Artcenter | Bregenz 2004 1. position
*Academic Center | Grieskirchen 2003 (EU-wide) 1. position
*Pathology of the State Hospital | Feldkirch 2003 1. position
*Residential School for Handicapped Children Mariatal | Kramsach 2003 EU-wide 1. position
*Gym for the School Obdorf | Bludenz 2000 1. position
*Condominium | Speicher [CH] 2000 1. position
*Music Kiosk | Batschuns 1999 1. position
*Extension of the Cemetary | Batschuns 1999 1. position
*Workshop and Administration Caritas | Bludenz 1999 1. position
*Elementary School with Gym | Weiler 1995 1. position
*Village Square | Rankweil 1998 1. position
International magazines (selection)
*Topos | Bridge-trilogy | Munich 2014
*AMC | Mountain cabin | Paris 2014
*d‘Architectures | Maiden Tower | Paris 02/2013
*Eigenhuis | Wohnhaus Germann | Niederlande 03/2011
*‘A’A‘ 378 | L’architecture d’aujourd’hui | Moi, je construis | Frankreich 06/2010
*The Plan | Landessonderschule mit Internat Mariatal | Italien 05/2010
*DOMUS | Landessonderschule mit Internat Mariatal | Italien 01/2010
*amc | Beton Architecture in Concrete | Ecole Mariatal | Frankreich01/2010
*A+U | Small 435 | “Cemetary Extension and the Chapel of Rest” | Tokyo 10/2006
*A+U | Wooden Architecture 431 | Music Kiosk | Tokyo 08/2006
*Domes 04/06 | Bootshaus in Fussach “small houses” | Athen 06/2006
*AV Monographs | Musikprobelokal Batschuns | Madrid 2005
*oris 27| Magazine for Architecture and Culture | Zagreb 2004
*C3 Korea | Diverse Projekte | C3Designgroup Seoul 2004
*Quaderns | Bootshaus in Fussach | Nr. 237 | Barcelona 2003
*d‘Architectures | Ferienhaus in Furx | Paris 08/2002
*Wallpaper | Ferienhaus in Furx | London 08/2002
*A+U | Architecture+Urbanism 381 | Holiday Home in Furx | Tokyo 06/2002
*iiC | l‘industria italiana del Cemento | Wohnhaus in Dafins | Rom 04/2001
German language magazines (selection)
*Häuser | Mädchenturm| Hamburg 02/2013
*DBZ Deutsche BauZeitschrift| Alfenz Bridge | Gütersloh 12/2011
*Häuser | Wohnhaus Germann | „extrem offen extrem geschlossen“ | 09/2010
*Detail | Schanerlochbrücke Dornbirn | München | 12/2009
*Detail | Landessonderschule mit Internat Mariatal | München | 1-2/2010
*Architektur Aktuell | Landessonderschule mit Internat Mariatal | 9/2007
*Architektur & Bau Forum | Interview | Wien 2006
*Baumeister | Baumeister-Zeitschrift für Architektur| Musikprobelokal Batschuns | München 2005
*Deutsche Bauzeitschrift dbz | Industrie Electronic Lustenau | 10/2003
*Architektur Aktuell | Neubau System Industrie Electronic AG Lustenau | Wien 08/2003
*Detail | Friedhofserweiterung Batschuns | 06/2003
*bauwelt | System Industrie Electronic Lustenau | Berlin 35/03
*Architektur Aktuell | "Kalkulierte Erosion" | Friedhoferweiterung Batschuns | Wien 01/2003
*Bauwelt | Bootshaus in Fussach | Berlin 08/2002
*Häuser | Ferienhaus in Furx | Hamburg 08/2002
*Architektur Aktuell | “Im Reich der Zeichen“ | Bootshaus+Ferienhaus in Furx | Wien 04/2002
*Raum und Wohnen 11/01 | “Oase der Ruhe“ | Wohnhaus in Dafins | Zürich 11/2001
*Häuser 2/01 | “Anstiftung zu einer reinen Architektur“ | Hamburg 02/2001
*Architektur Aktuell | “Innere Kräfte“ | Wohnhaus in Dafins u. Frödischbrücke | Wien 12/1999
Daily paper (selection)
*Neue Zürcher Zeitung | “Heimat in Beton“ | Zürich 05/2010
*Der Standard | “Die zwei mit der Zementneurose“ | Wien 11/2009
*Der Standard | “Entlein im Visier “ Badehaus | Wien 09/2007
*Die Presse | “Chips in Haute Couture“ | Wien 06/2005
*Die Presse | “Lehmige Luft in Luzifers Leuchtturm“ | Wien 09/2002
*Der Standard | “Jenseits vom ‘Hüsle‘ bauen“ | Wien 02/2000
*Der Standard | “Von der Kunst mit Würfeln die Architektur zu entwickeln“ | Wien 10/1999
Books (selection)
*Hide and Seek | Mountain cabin | Gestalten Verlag, Berlin 2014
*Best architects 14 | Maiden Tower, Schanerloch Bridge | Zinnobergrün, Düsseldorf 2013
*Häuser für Familien. Wohnen mit Kindern | Maiden Tower | deutsche-berlags-Anstalt, München 2013
*Häuser des Jahres | Mountain cabin | Callway Verlag, Munic 2012
*Häuser des Jahres | Germann house | Callway Verlag, Munic 2011
*Bridge Architecture + Design | Braun Publishing AG, Salenstein (CH) 2010
*Best Architects 10 | Special school and dormitory Mariatal | Zinnobergrün, Düsseldorf 2009
*Before Architecture. Vor der Architektur | Boathouse | SpringerWienNewYork 2008
*Architektur in Vorarlberg: Bauten ab 2000 | Music kiosk Batschuns | Callwey Verlag, Munich 2007
*Neue Architektur – Sakralbauten | Cemetery Batschuns | Braun Publishing AG, Salenstein 2005
*The Phaidon Atlas of Contemporary World Architecture | Holidayhome Furx | Phaidon London |2004
*Die besten Einfamilienhäuser unter 150m² | Marte house | 2004
*Houses on the Edge | Marte house | NY+Loft Publications | Barcelona 2003
*Atriumhäuser-Hofhäuser-Wohnhöfe | DVA | Stuttgart München 2002
*Mini House | Boat house and holidayhome Furx | Loft
*Publications Barcelona 2002
*Das kleine Haus < 100 Quadratmeter | Boathouse | DVA, Stuttgart München 2002
*La Mirada Muda N°2 | Ignacio Martinez | Ausstellung “Der Stumme Blick N°2“, Wien 10/2001
*Baukunst in Vorarlberg seit 1980 | Otto Kapfinger | Kunsthaus Bregenz + vai, Stuttgart 1998
*Architizer A+ Winner Award 2014 | Mountain Cabin
*German Design Winner Award 2014 | Mountain Cabin
*Best Architects 14 | Schaufelschlucht Bridge Dornbirn, Maiden Tower Dafins
*Iconic Award 2013 | Mountan Cabin
*Häuser Award 2013 | Die besten Familienhäuser Europas – Maiden Tower
*Best Architects 13 l Mountain cabin
*Aluminium Architekturpreis 2012 | School Centre Grieskirchen
*Red Dot Award product design 2012 l Mountain Cabin
*WAN Awards 11 – house of the year l Mountain Cabin
*Building Award of Carinthia 2011| Diocesan Museum Fresach
*Best Architects 12 l Alfenz Bridge
*Red Dot Design Award 2011 | Concrete Works
*Red Dot Design Award Honourable Mention 2011 | Roman Villa, Alfenz Brigde
*Solid Bautech price 2011 | Alfenz Bridge
*Vorarlberger builder-owner award 2010 | Schanerloch Bridge
*Vorarlberger builder-owner award 2010 | Bathhouse
*austrian state award for architecture and sustainability 2010 | Volksschule Wels Mauth
*Best Architects 2009 | Special School and dormitory Mariatal
*Best Architects 2009 | Schanerloch Bridge
*Nominated for Mies van der Rohe Preis 2009 | School Mariatal
*Chicago Athenaeum The International Architecture Award 2008 | Schanerloch Bridge
*Auszeichnung Neues Bauen in Tirol 2008 | School Mariatal
*award for humane housing 2007 | Doctor’s House Weiler
*Austrian builder-owner award 2007 | School Mariatal
*award for people-friendly housing 2006 | Holiday Home Dafins
*Austrian state-award of architecture 2004 | System Industrie Electronics
*Austrian builder-owner award 2004 | System Industrie Electronics
*Best of Europe Office 2004 | System Industrie Electronics
*award of the Working Committee Alp 2004
*wood award 2003 | Music Kiosk
*wood award 2003 | Holiday Home Furx
*Austrian builder-owner award 2002 | cemetery Batschuns
*Concrete Works | Marte.Marte Architekten | Lichtforum Zumtobel Dornbirn 05/2010
*Concrete Works | Marte.Marte Architekten | Aedes Berlin 12/2009
*Best Architects 2009 | Schanerlochbrücke | Wanderausstellung 2010
*Barockbaumeister und moderne Bauschule aus Vorarlberg | SIE Lustenau | Bregenz 10/2006
*Sculptural Architecture in Austria | Bootshaus in Fussach | Peking-Kanton 08/2006
*Austria West | Neue Architektur Tirol Vorarlberg | Wanderausstellung 2003
Projects (selection)
projects (choice)
*House H. | Röthis 2012/2013
*Local Recycling Centre | Feldkirch 2013/2014
*Horse Surgery | Rankweil 2013/2014
*Tourism Trade School | Villach 2009/2013
*House B | Weiler 2011/2013
*Kindergarden | Lochau 2011/2013
*Schaufelschlucht Bridge Ebnit | Dornbirn 2011/2012
*Mountain Cabin in Laternservalley | Laterns 2010/2011
*Diocesan Museum Carinthia | Fresach 2010/2011
*Special Pedagogical Center | Dornbirn 2008/2011
*Schoolcenter Grieskirchen | Grieskirchen 2003/2011
*House by the Lake | Bregenz 2010/2011
*Alfenz Bridge | Lorüns 2009/2010
*Child Care Center Rankweil Nord | Rankweil 2009/2010
*Residential Accomodation and Nursing Home Lohbach | Innsbruck 2009
*Pathology of the State Hospital | Feldkirch 2003/2008
*Residential School for Handicapped Children Mariatal | Kramsach 2003/2007
*Bathhouse | Rankweil 2003/2007
*Schanerloch Bridge | Dornbirn 2005/2006
*Mansion in Vienna 2005/2006
*Exhibition Concept Artcenter | Bregenz 2004
*Music Kiosk | Batschuns 2000/2002
*Headquarter of System Industrie Electronic AG | Lustenau 2001/2002
*Workshop and Administration Caritas | Bludenz 2000/2001
*Boathouse | Fussach 2001/2001
*Holiday Home Seewald | Furx 2001/2001
*Extension of the Cemetary | Batschuns 1999/2000
*House Marte | Dafins 1992/1999 (see picture)
*Bridge Frödisch | Sulz-Zwischenwasser 1998/1999
*Chapel of Rest | Weiler 1992/1994
Projects in process (selection)
*Museum Federal Foundation Flight, Expulsion, Reconciliation | Berlin
*Asfinag motorway maintenance authority | Salzburg
*University of education Lower Austria | Baden bei Wien
*Fair halls| Dornbirn
*Ennssteg | Steyr
*Social-pastoral Centre | Innsbruck
*International Campus | Kreuzlingen
*Kindergarden Markt | Dornbirn
*Design concept City-tunnel | Feldkirch
Bernhard Marte, born 1966 in Dornbirn/Vorarlberg
Stefan Marte, born 1967 in Dornbirn/Vorarlberg
The brothers Bernhard and Stefan Marte made their Master of architecture at the technical
University of Innsbruck amongst others with Professor Othmar Barth and Rainer Köberl. The collaboration of Stefan in the architectural office Gohm+Hiessberger was followed by the foundati...