À propos de reinhardt_jung [architekten und ingenieure]
![reinhardt_jung [architekten und ingenieure]]( https://image.architonic.com/imgArc/profile-1/4/5204902/r-jung-gruppenfoto.jpg)
Dagmar Reinhardt and Alexander Jung
Dagmar Reinhardt
2004-2008 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD-Architecture) at University of Sydney
1997-1999 Postgraduate Diploma/ Master of Architectural (Conceptual) Design at Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, Städelschule Frankfurt (Prof/ Peter Cook, Enric Miralles, Cecil Balmond, Mark Wigley)
1991-1997 Architectural Studies/ Diploma Technical University Hannover
1991 Abitur Kaiser-Wilhelms-Gymnasium, Hannover
Architectural practice
2004 founded twentytwentysix with Olivia Hyde, Sydney
2004-2008 PhD Research at University of Sydney
2004 founded frankfurterraum/ www.frankfurterraum.de with Alexander Jung and Florian Neumann
2003 founded architecture office reinhardt_jung [architektur+ingenieurbüro] with partner Alexander Jung
2002 member of Architects Chamber Frankfurt, Hessen (Germany)
1995-2002 worked in collaboration with several architectural offices, including Deutsch Architekten, dgj-drexlerguinandjauslin, Schneider+Schumacher, Frankfurt/Main, Plus+ Bauplanung GmbH, Stuttgart
Academic practice
2008 - Studio Elective at University of Sydney, M Arch Architectural Design
2004 -2007 Studio Leader at University of Sydney, M Arch Architectural Design, Coordination: Prof Tom Heneghan
Group Leader B Arch (Uni Sydney), Coordination: Dr. Mark Aurel Schnabel, Dr. Harry Margalit
2003 Visiting Professor University of Sydney, M Arch
1999-2004 Assistant to Architecture Class Stadelschule Frankfurt
Conceptual Design (Ben van Berkel, Joahn Bettum, Klaus Bollinger, Peter Cook, Harald Kloft, Enric Miralles, Mark Wigley)
Assistance, Coordination, Finance, Teaching, Publications, Exhibitions, PR
Nominations, prices, scholarships
2007 Nominated for EAAE Preis, Aarhus
2004 University of Sydney, IPA und IPRS Scholarship
1999 Nominierung Bauhaus Dessau Award 2000, Vortrag
1999 Scholarship DAAD, London, UK
Alexander Jung
Alexander Jung is a thinker and designer of architecture, and principal of reinhardtjung, an architecture office based in Frankfurt/ Main and Sydney that covers architecture and design in theory and practice; in buildings, installations, publications and other architectural projects. Jung was trained as a draftsmen, and worked internationally in Italy, Netherlands and Germany for large architecture companies. He reveived a postgraduate degree of Conceptual Design from Städelschule Frankfurt (Ben van Berkel, Mark Wigley, Peter Cook). Jung received the Taut-Preis, a distinction of the BDA Germany, in 2002. He was part of UN Studio (van Berkel und Bos) between 1998-2004 and collaborated on IFCCA Manhattan, Almere Expo 2001, Venice Architecture University, Mercedes Benz Museum Stuttgart, before founding his own office.
1999-2002 Postgraduate Diploma/ Master of Architectural (Conceptual) Design at Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, Städelschule Frankfurt (Prof/ Peter Cook,C.J. Lim, Ben van Berkel, Klaus Bollinger, Charles Walker, Mark Wigley)
1993-98 Architekurstudium FH Wiesbaden
1990-92 Draftsmen for Architecture (Bauzeichnerlehre), Architekturbuero Franz Josef Hamm, Limburg
Architectural practice
2004 founded twentytwentysix with Olivia Hyde, Sydney
2004 founded frankfurterraum/ www.frankfurterraum.de with Dagmar Reinhardt and Florian Neumann
2003 founded architecture office reinhardt_jung [architektur+ingenieurbüro] with partner Dagmar Reinhardt
2002-2004 UN Studio, van Berkel & Bos Amsterdam: Project Architect for Mercedes Benz Museum Stuttgart
1998-2002 worked in collaboration with several architectural offices, including Scneider+Schumacher, Frankfurt/Main UN Studio, van Berkel & Bos Amsterdam:IFCCA Manhattan, Almere Expo 2001, Venice Architecture University
Architecture Office Hanspeter Abler-Trojer, Meran
Architecture Office Franz Josef Hamm, Limburg an der Lahn
Nominations, prices, scholarships
2004 Shortlisted and invited lecture for Professorship at HfG Offenbach
2002 Recipient ‚Taut-Stipendium', (German Architects Chamber) Bundesarchitektenkammer, Berlin
Reinhardt_jung is a Frankfurt based office acting as architects, educators and researchers: Dagmar Reinhardt and Alexander Jung. The office work covers theory, education, building, curatorial collaborations, exhibitions, installations, publications, academic research and architectural projects. Reinhardt_jung’s work has been exhibited in Europe and Australia in an architectural and artistic contexts. Their practice-based and entrepreneurial pursuits are grounds for exploratory investigation, for prototyping and conceptual transfer from which research-practice-business collaborations emerge. Reinhardt_jung are regularly producers and collaborators of international projects integrating urbanism, architecture and installation art. Reinhardt_jung understand the process of architecture as teamwork with students and colleagues, with clients and builders. The development of progressive spatial constructions, new modes of inhabiation, the integration of cultural and social aspects, the rethinking of architectural procedures are our field of interest and expertise.
Alexander Jung was trained as a draftsman before graduating in architecture and receiving a postgraduate degree of Städelschule Frankfurt. Jung worked internationally on architecture projects, in Italy, Gremany and the Netherlands, amongst others for UN Studio/ Van Berkel and Bos as a project architect on UFCCI Manhattan, Almere Expo 2001, and Mercedes Benz Museum, Stuttgart. Jung received the Taut-Preis, the famous distinction of the BDA Germany, in 2002.
Dagmar Reinhardt received a postgraduate degree of Conceptual Design from Städelschule, Frankfurt (University of Fine Arts), where she taught with Ben van Berkel, Peter Cook, Enric Miralles and Mark Wigley. Reinhardt has been the Studio Leader of the Master of Architectural Design at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Sydney, where she is currently completing Ph.D. research that investigates designing duration in contemporary fashion and architecture and focuses on dynamic surface and spatial strategies. This work is supported by an IPA and IPRS scholarship from the University of Sydney.
2007 turkish embassy, Berlin
Team: Alexander Jung for DBN, Darmstadt- Frankfurt
2007 living, Wiesbaden-Dotzheim
Team: Dagmar Reinhardt for Deustch Architekten, Frankfurt
2005 sydney harbour, Darling Harbour, Sydney
Team: reinhardt_jung, Olivia Hyde, Tom Rivard
2005 the picknickers, Canberra, Australia
Material: Canvas, Acrylics, Oil-pens
2002 H0 223/ fallerhaus upgrade, ACS, Frankfurt
Team: reinhardt_jung, Olivia Hyde, Tom Rivard
2002 ozeanarium, Stralsund
Team: Alexander Jung, Florian Neumann
AUTHOR Jakovich, J and Reinhardt, D: ‚Trivet Fields – The Materiality of Interaction in Architectural Space’, Paper for Leonardo journal (double blind refereed, 2nd revised version for publication in progress)
AUTHOR Reinhardt, D: ‘Representation as Research: Design Model And Media Rotation’, EAAE + JOA (Journal of Architecture)
AUTHOR Reinhardt, D: ‘Elastic Space – Latent Formations in Fashion and Architecture’, Essay in: Architectural Theory Review, (eds.) Anna Rubbo and Adrian Snodgrass, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, Sydney Australia, P.
Reinhardt, D: ‘Deep Mesh – Shaping Dynamic Space’, Paper for Anzasca Conference 2007, Proceedings of 41st conference Architectural Science Association, Deakin University (double blind refereed), (eds.) James Coulson, Dirk Schwede, Richard Tucker
AUTHOR Reinhardt, D: ‘Prosthetic Surface – Strategies for a Dynamic Architecture', AASA Conference, UTSepress, Sydney, published as ebook (double blind refereed),
AUTHOR Jakovich, J and Reinhardt, D: ‚Sonictecture – Esthetic spatial conditioning through sound, computation and interaction’, CC2007 Creativity and Cognition Conference (USA, Washington), Conference Proceedings (double blind refereed), C&C’07, June 13–15, 2007, Washington, DC, USA,
AUTHOR Reinhardt, D: ,Material Process and Frictional Resistance in the Body of Architecture’, Urban Islands Publication No 1, Joanne Jakovich (ed.) (Sydney, University of Sydney), (double blind refereed, ISBN/ISSN to be confirmed)
AUTHOR Reinhardt, D: ‘Surface Strategies And Constructive Line: Preferential Planes, Contour, Phenomenal Body In The Work Of Bacon, Chalayan, Kawakubo’, Essay in: Colloquy/09, Melbourne, Australia, Online Journal (double blind refereed), May 2005.
AUTHOR Reinhardt, D: ‚(Un)Limited Privacy-(Un)Limited Identity: On The Border Of 4dimensional Space- Domesticity, Information Screens, Digital Work Surfaces And Representation’, Essay in: SAHANZ XXI/Limits, 2004, Melbourne, Australia, (eds.) Harriet Edquist and Helene Fricho
Reinhardt, D: Master Class Projects A+U 407, Educational Currents 9: University of Sydney, School of Architecture: Publication including projects by Master of Architecture (SingleHouse Studio/ Sem 2003/02)
Reinhardt, D: ‚How to Develop an Idea’, Text in: ‚Art and Airports’ (Diploma Städelschule Architecture Class 2002), Städelschule Frankfurt
Jung, A and Reinhardt, D: ‚Hören’, Installation Description in: ‚Flüchtige Verfestigung’, Gruppenausstellung und Katalog, Herausgeber Hessischer Rundfunk/ Frankfurt
Jung, A: ‚Bodybuildings’ (Diploma Städelschule Architecture Class 2001), db (Deutsche Bauzeitung), Beitrag 01/ 2003
Reinhardt, D: ‚Processes for Extreme Environments’, Text in: ‚Frankfurt + Sessions’ (Diploma Städelschule Architecture Class 2001), Städelschule Frankfurt
Reinhardt, D: ‚Game (10 Moves)’‚No(n) sense(s)-Reflection Of Space: Architecture And Senses’, Project and Text in: ‚Show Your Hand’, Reinhardt, D and Wigley, M (ed.), Städelschule Frankfurt
particle chandelier
Team: reinhardt_jung with friends
Material: Acrylics, Sensor- and Computer Technlogy, Lights
trivet fields, Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney
Team: reinhardt_jung with Joanne Jakovich
and Phil Granger
Material: Acrylics, Sensor- and Computer Technlogy, Lights
stadtlandfluss, Westhafen, Frankfurt Main
Team: reinhardt_jung with frankfurterraum and Raumartisten, Hafen Frankfurt Managementgesellschaft,
Historische Eisenbahn Frankfurt e.V, Feuerwehr Frankfurt a.M
Material: Fireboat, Dampfeisenbahn, Building
light [geschmacklicht], Frankfurt am Main, Nordend
Team: reinhardt_jung with
Stephan Wanner, Michael Bartels, Cornelia Wabnitz
Material: 7 Course Projection Cycle
codes/signs, Gallery Medium Rare, Redfern, Sydney
Material: Canvas, Acrylics, Oil-pens
kaufhaut, Zeil, Frankfurt Main
Client: Galeria Kaufhof
Team: reinhardt_jung with frankfurterraum
Dagmar Reinhardt, Alexander Jung, Forian Neumann
Consultants: Skudi - Optix, Berlin
Material: Music, Lightprojection
hoeren, Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt Main
Team: Werkstätten des Hesischen Rundfunk
Material: Hardboard, Blueprints, Lights, Steelframe
bodybuildings, Architektenkammer Sachsen/ Dresden
bodybuildings, DAM, Frankfurt
Material: Drawings, Movie, Objects, Models
game [10 moves, Dundee,Glasgow, London, Frankfurt
Material: Drawings, Objects,Models
Tatoo Parlour, Offenbach, Main
Material: Drawings, Objects
re: villa savoye, 1822 Gallery, Frankfurt
Material: Drawings, Models
moving westwards, Portikus, Frankfurt
Material: Drawings, Objects,Models
Dagmar Reinhardt
2004-2008 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD-Architecture) at University of Sydney
1997-1999 Postgraduate Diploma/ Master of Architectural (Conceptual) Design at Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, Städelschule Frankfurt (Prof/ Peter Cook, Enric Miralles, Cecil Balmond, Mark Wigley)
1991-1997 Architectural Studies/ Diploma Techn...