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Milan Design Week 2024: fair and city guides are live!



Make the most of Milano with our curated fair and city guides – put together by our expert team of architects and designers to make sure you know exactly what to see and where to go.

The Minotti Pavilion 2023 at Salone del Mobile.Milano

Brand story



Visitors to the Minotti Pavilion at Salone del Mobile.Milano this year were treated to an impressive two-level experience, designed to bring to life the soul of the brand and highlight its long journey.

Milan Design Week 2023: what to explore at the Salone and in ...

Claire Brodka


Once again, our painstakingly produced DAAily guides to Milan – for both fair and city – navigate you through the crowds, saving you precious time on the ground. We help you find the best products, people, and, of course, parties.