À propos de Sergi Godia

Sergi Godia
Graduated in the Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona in the year 1970. Throughout his professional practice he has received the following awards and nominations:
FAD Prize of Architecture in the years 1976 (FAD of architecture), 1982 (FAD of Restoration), 1999 (FAD of Urban Spaces).
National Prize of Urbanism 1979 (Spain).
Award of Exelence of the European Chapter of the American Institute of Architects 2000 (Dublín).
Nomination to the FAD Awards of Architecture of the years 1987, 1989, 1991, and 2001.
Finalist in the 5th Bienal of Spanish Architecture 1997 – 1998 (Madrid).
Nomination to the European Prize of Landscape Rosa Barba of the years 2000 and 2002.
Prize in the 1st Exhibition of Architecture of Barcelona, 2014.
He has carried out numerous architectural works mainly focused on Public Facilities : Schools, Health Centres, Sports Facilities, Libraries, Hotels and Administrative and Office Buildings. In 1992 participated in the construction of the Olympic Vllage of Barcelona with the construction of a set of houses. health centre, and offices with constructed 50000 m2. He has made several Parks in the surroundings of Barcelona: Solidarity Park, Park of les Planes, Maritim promenade and litoral Park in Sant Adriá, etc.
He is the author of the Project and the works of the trais coverage and the urbanization of his covered in the district of Sants in Barcelona, with a length of 700 m. and area of 6 Ha. Has performed with J. A. Acebillo several Urban Plans in European cities: Master Plan for the scope of Forum 2004 in Barcelona, Singuidunum – Belgrade in 2010, Hellinikon – Athens in 2011, Varna – Bulgaria, Oostende – Belgium, etc.
Hes has been a professor of projects at the ETSAB ( Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona ) and professor invited in several courses of the Architecture schools of Barcelona and the Valles, of Sarajevo ( Bosnia ) and Kazán ( Russia ). His work has been exhibited in various exhibitions and collected in several national and international publications.
Graduated in the Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona in the year 1970. Throughout his professional practice he has received the following awards and nominations:
FAD Prize of Architecture in the years 1976 (FAD of architecture), 1982 (FAD of Restoration), 1999 (FAD of Urban Spaces).
National Prize of Urbanism 1979 (Spain).
Award of Exelence of the European Chapter of...