À propos de Studio Laura Strasser

Studio Laura Straßer
Studio Laura Straßer was founded in 2009 as a studio for product design with focus on porcelain and ceramic designs. Since then the Studio worked on numerous projects and products, which were continuously presented on international shows and fairs.
As an expert for white gold the Studio develops and designs porcelain and ceramic products for clients and partners with consideration of the specific material involved. Despite international clients the Studio continues collaborations with local manufacturers in Thuringia. Local production is a basic necessity because it provides proximity and access to an excellent learning environment. In addition, the collaboration with local manufacturer experts helps innovative product development and reinforcement of regional and European porcelain manufacturing.
Besides Studio Laura Straßer, Laura Straßer is also part of the design label frenchknicker, founded in 2006 with here colleague Milia Seyppel, under which pseudonym both designer distribute and exhibit their common works.
„Design Inspirations“ - Inspiartions Books, Daab Books Germany, 2007
„Design Today - Forms with a smile“ Stichting Kunstboek, Belgien/Oostkamp, 2008
„Geliebte Masse - Porzellangeschichten von Laura Straßer“, Kerber Verlag Germany, 2009
„Porzellanland Thüringen: 250 Jahre Porzellan aus Thüringen“, Städtische Museen Jena, 2010
2009 „Silver Award Blickfang“ by Design Center Stuttgart and blickfang GmbH
2009 „Young Professional 09 for Europe“, Selected by German Design Council, Belgien Design Vlaanderen, ADI Italy
2009 „International Output Award 2009“ - for thesis „Orignial, Copy and Reproduction“
2009 „Junge Unternehmen Thüringen 2009“ / „Young Startup Thuringia 2009“ by the Free State of Thuringia, Germany
2010 „Designpreis Deutschland 2010 – Nominee“ by Federal Republic of Germany and German Design Council
2010 „I.D. Annual Design Review 2010“, Design Distinction Winner in the student category
2011 „Designpreis Deutschland 2011 – Selected“ by Federal Republic of Germany and German Design Council
2011 Winner of „Kreativ Radar“, by the Free State of Thuringia, Germany
2012 Winner of „Faces of Design 2012“
2009 Group Exhibition „MY BAUHAUS IS BETTER THAN YOURS“, Salone dell Mobile, Milan, Italy
2009 Group Exhibition „Young Professional 09/ YDMI“, Frankfurt, Germany and Verona, Italy
2009 Solo Exhibition „Geliebte Masse - Porzellangeschichten“ GoetheStadtMuseum Ilmenau, Germany
2010 Group Exhibition, „MY BAUHAUS IS BETTER THAN YOURS“, Salone dell Mobile, Milan, Italy
2010 Group Exhibition „Design Deutschland 2010“, Salone Del Mobile/Milan and ICFF/ New York
2010 Group Exhibition „300 Year European Porcelain-Königstraum und Massenware“ Porzellanikon, Selb, Germany
2010 Group Exhibition „2010 I.D. Annual Design Review Exhibition“, New York, USA
2010 Group Exhibition „Neues Porzellan aus Thüringen“, Landesvertretung Freistaat Thüringen, Berlin, Germany
2010 Group Exhibition „International Design Biennale St Etienne 201“, Staint Etienne, France
2011 Group Exhibition , „Kunsthandwerk aus Thüringen“, Bayerische Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V., München, Germany
2011 Group Exhibition „Design Deutschland 2011“, Salone Del Mobile/Milan, ICFF/ New York. Business Week/Hong Kong
2011 Group Exhibition „Bauhaus now“, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, Chicago, USA

Studio Laura Straßer
Studio Laura Straßer was founded in 2009 as a studio for product design with focus on porcelain and ceramic designs. Since then the Studio worked on numerous projects and products, which were continuously presented on international shows and fairs.
As an expert for white gold the Studio develops and designs porcelain and ceramic products for clients and partners with consideration of the specific material involved. Despite international clients the Studio continues collaborations with local manufacturers in Thuringia. Local production is a basic necessity because it provides proximity and access to an excellent learning environment. In addition, the collaboration with local manufacturer experts helps innovative product development and reinforcement of regional and European porcelain manufacturing.
Besides Studio Laura Straßer, Laura Straßer is also part of the design label frenchknicker, founded in 2006 with here colleague Milia Seyppel, under which pseudonym both designer distribute and exhibit their common works.
„Design Inspirations“ - Inspiartions Books, Daab Books Germany, 2007
„Design Today - Forms with a smile“ Stichting Kunstboek, Belgien/Oostkamp, 2008
„Geliebte Masse - Porzellangeschichten von Laura Straßer“, Kerber Verlag Germany, 2009
„Porzellanland Thüringen: 250 Jahre Porzellan aus Thüringen“, Städtische Museen Jena, 2010
2009 „Silver Award Blickfang“ by Design Center Stuttgart and blickfang GmbH
2009 „Young Professional 09 for Europe“, Selected by German Design Council, Belgien Design Vlaanderen, ADI Italy
2009 „International Output Award 2009“ - for thesis „Orignial, Copy and Reproduction“
2009 „Junge Unternehmen Thüringen 2009“ / „Young Startup Thuringia 2009“ by the Free State of Thuringia, Germany
2010 „Designpreis Deutschland 2010 – Nominee“ by Federal Republic of Germany and German Design Council
2010 „I.D. Annual Design Review 2010“, Design Distinction Winner in the student category
2011 „Designpreis Deutschland 2011 – Selected“ by Federal Republic of Germany and German Design Council
2011 Winner of „Kreativ Radar“, by the Free State of Thuringia, Germany
2012 Winner of „Faces of Design 2012“
2009 Group Exhibition „MY BAUHAUS IS BETTER THAN YOURS“, Salone dell Mobile, Milan, Italy
2009 Group Exhibition „Young Professional 09/ YDMI“, Frankfurt, Germany and Verona, Italy
2009 Solo Exhibition „Geliebte Masse - Porzellangeschichten“ GoetheStadtMuseum Ilmenau, Germany
2010 Group Exhibition, „MY BAUHAUS IS BETTER THAN YOURS“, Salone dell Mobile, Milan, Italy
2010 Group Exhibition „Design Deutschland 2010“, Salone Del Mobile/Milan and ICFF/ New York
2010 Group Exhibition „300 Year European Porcelain-Königstraum und Massenware“ Porzellanikon, Selb, Germany
2010 Group Exhibition „2010 I.D. Annual Design Review Exhibition“, New York, USA
2010 Group Exhibition „Neues Porzellan aus Thüringen“, Landesvertretung Freistaat Thüringen, Berlin, Germany
2010 Group Exhibition „International Design Biennale St Etienne 201“, Staint Etienne, France
2011 Group Exhibition , „Kunsthandwerk aus Thüringen“, Bayerische Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V., München, Germany
2011 Group Exhibition „Design Deutschland 2011“, Salone Del Mobile/Milan, ICFF/ New York. Business Week/Hong Kong
2011 Group Exhibition „Bauhaus now“, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, Chicago, USA