À propos de Verde Profilo

The brand Verde Profilo® was founded in 2008 by Stefano Laprocina, a young entrepreneur, connoisseur and lover of nature, who decided to promote and share a new green philosophy for the exploration of the concept of all-round green. The mission of Verde Profilo® is to make more spontaneous the relationship between the individual and nature, exploiting the ability of the latter to adapt also to the architecture designed by man. The company's team consists of engineers, garden designers, planners and architects who are available to the customer and his lifestyle. The customer’s demands become the starting point in the plan of a green space with a design always new and never stereotyped. The curiosity, the constant search for innovative techniques and materials have led Verde Profilo® to explore the concept of green that evolves in many design possibilities. From the design of Gardens in Style and Green Roofs, elegant private gardens, public areas, Winter Gardens and Parks, to the vertical green solution with Vertical Gardens by the VP-MODULO system, to the creation of indoor solutions for exhibitions, shops, hotels, showrooms, spas and offices made with the innovative patented system MOSSwall®.

The brand Verde Profilo® was founded in 2008 by Stefano Laprocina, a young entrepreneur, connoisseur and lover of nature, who decided to promote and share a new green philosophy for the exploration of the concept of all-round green. The mission of Verde Profilo® is to make more spontaneous the relationship between the individual and nature, exploiting the ability of the latter to adapt also to ...