À propos de X IN BALANCE

Gerald Wurz developed the balloon silk room divider in 1993. Sales and production were taken over by designwurz in 2014. The sliding room divider, which is held in balance by wire, has become a design classic.

X IN BALANCE is a sliding room divider made of ballonsilk, which is held by a wire. XMAG is a room divider system that is individually manufactured in heights from 200cm to 330cm and maximum width 160cm. Rods in stainless steel. Covering in ballon silk or twilight.

"X IN BALANCE" was developed in 1991 by design student Gerald Wurz for a film studio. Previously, designwurz built the first sun protection sail with the project name "Sollbruch" for a director on his roof terrace, which was to form the basis for his successful SunSquare product. The other task was to design an opaque partition wall for the director's studio. Wurz solved this with balloon silk room dividers hanging from an s-shaped beam. The room dividers were supported by brushes. For designwurz it was clear that this application could develop into a sustainable product. Modified with wheels at the bottom and a wheel with slots at the top carried by a wire, the room divider X was created, which is kept in balance. With his brother-in-law Thomas Huber and his company novaform, this room dividing system has been sold worldwide for 25 years. 2014 designwurz takes over the distribution of X IN BALANCE. The aim is to revive the sustainable product X IN BALANCE, of which 10,000 units were sold. Even today there is no competition to this panel curtain. January 2019 designwurz exhibits together with SunSquare at the Cologne furniture fair and shows the new system XMAG. With this system, the room divider is held with magnets. The most important material of X IN BALANCE is balloon silk, which is opaque but extremely translucent. New from 2019 is Twilight, a mesh fabric with an ingenious look. In addition, other known applications of the room divider will be revived in 2019. Room dividers with footrests and a door hinge with magnetic lock are added back to the range.
Gerald Wurz developed the balloon silk room divider in 1993. Sales and production were taken over by designwurz in 2014. The sliding room divider, which is held in balance by wire, has become a design classic.