The conceptual work is created as an exhibition and stretches. Throughout the whole staircase. It’s an invitation to immerge into the World of unconventional philosophers and mystics. Alongsode the Thoughts, sentiments and ideas of scientists, artists, designers, writers, Film makers etc. The visitor is accompanied through all levels by 22quadrat’s graphical interpretations. The journey it’s supposed to raise Questions and to encourage dialogues.
It addresses the structural order of nature: the flexible principals of selforganisation And how they are revealed in the micro- and macrocosm. Humankind was once part of this system, but with the awakening of Consciousness the segregation started. Humans considered themselves No longer as element of the system but as observer, shaper and Dominator of nature. The work attempts to portray the development of our comprehension of Nature; how we moved through the system since the awakening of our Consciousness, how we move today and how we might possibly move In the future… to become once again part of the system, to live in Harmony with it.
As alleged dominators do we still life in balance with nature? What could We change to become part of it again? Or is our current behaviour just Part of our role: destined to cause a constant imbalance. To destroy, to Interfere, to meddle and to change radically, only to keep the complexity And diversity of nature and chaos in motion and alive? The work is composed of five episodes.