Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation

Photographe : adysign – Adrian Streuli

Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation ×
  • Berenice Wall

    Berenice Wall


Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation

Photographe : adysign – Adrian Streuli

Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation ×
  • Orange Slice

    Orange Slice


  • Catifa 46 | 0369

    Catifa 46 | 0369


Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation

Photographe : adysign – Adrian Streuli

Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation ×

The clients' request was to remodel their home, giving it a fresh, contemporary look, but with as little constructional intervention as possible. Therefore we kept much of the existing configuration, refrained from moving walls, but still managed to reorganize certain living areas. Embracing the modern architectural style of the house, we carefully selected new floor and wall coverings, colors, furniture and fabrics.

The principal task was the master bedroom, including a redesign of maximized utilization for both existing closets. A small writing desk, as well as a lounge chair were desired. Crucial was the installation of an extraordinary pendant lamp that can also be seen from the outside.

Throughout the house, as well as for the backyard, adysign was hired to design coherent spatial concepts that involved executing plans as well as construction site supervision.



Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation

Photographe : adysign – Adrian Streuli

Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation ×
  • Kai Stool

    Kai Stool


Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation

Photographe : adysign – Adrian Streuli

Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation ×
Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation

Photographe : adysign – Adrian Streuli

Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation ×
Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation

Photographe : Dan Sheldon

Residence Remodeling de adysign | Pièces d'habitation ×

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