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Liste des histoires de Susanne Junker les plus visités
Susanne Junker
The latest volume in the prestigious 'Edition Detail' is, as the title suggests, devoted to materials for the interior.
What's the history of the jelly baby? Who invented fish fingers? Why do we have sugar cubes and chewing gum in the shape of balls?.
Résultats: 50
Lirum larum Löffelstiel. .Löffelstiel? Wo bleiben denn in diesem alten Reim Messer und Gabel?
„Der Künstler blickt immer in die Vergangenheit zurück, während er über die Zukunft nachdenkt,“ sagt Andrée Putman. Anlässlich ihres 85 Geburtstages erscheint eine Monografie, die Einblick in das immense Werk der Künstlerin und ihr
Die Stadt mit ihrem Reichtum an narrativen und mythischen Bildwelten hat über eine lange Zeit hinweg einen besonderen Topos in der modernen Vorstellungswelt belegt. Ein neues Buch von Franziska Bollerey, herausgegeben in deutscher und englischer
Der Teufel trägt Prada: Die cineastische Liaison Pradas mit der diabolischen Meryl Streep hat die italienische Traditionsmarke zum stehenden Begriff gemacht. Seit der Papst nun ebenfalls Schuhwerk von Prada trägt, wird es also höchste Zeit für
Bücher über die moderne Badkultur gibt es zuhauf - ausser schönen Bildern bilden sie jedoch keine brauchbare Quelle für Planer und Bauherr. Das vorgestellte Werk liefert Informationen und Grundlagen.
Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der Sakral-Architektur zum emotionalen Thema geworden ist. (Man denke an die jüngst getroffene Entscheidung der Schweiz, den Bau von Minaretten zu verbieten.) David Stephensons Buch mit beeindruckenden Fotografien von
Architonic hat für Sie einen Blick in die neue Werkmonografie des norwegischen Architekturbüros 'Snøhetta' geworfen und entdeckte dabei, was sich unter einer Schneekuppe so alles befinden kann.
Massenproduktion oder individuelle Einzelstücke? Auf den ersten Blick ein widersprüchlicher Gegensatz, scheint jedoch im Möbeldesign unglaublich eng miteinander verflochten zu sein (only in German)
Der Beginn der modernen Architektur in Deutschland. Mit einem Verzeichnis zu Messels Werken
Chroma, the Greek word for colour, is both the title and the subject of a book about colour in architecture, furniture design and graphic art which covers a range of disciplines with a refreshing freedom from ideology.
Über die Idee des Verborgenen, Rätselhaften, Schwierigen in der Geschichte der Architektur
Charlotte Poseneske is a German artist who created minimalist and performance-like sculptures and reliefs in the 60s.
Adolf Loos’ Haus am Michaelerplatz in Wien und seine legendären polemischen Essays wie “Ornament und Verbrechen” (1908) oder “Ins Leere gesprochen” (1921) sind Standard in jeder Architekturlehre.
"Als Nonplusultra urbaner Behausung galt da schon eine renovierte Jugendstilwohnung – am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts.” Mit diesem Stossseufzer leiten die beiden Autoren ein Buch ein,
Gardens in Venice? In view of the fact that Venice immediately evokes associations with lagoons, canals, palazzi and small, densely built-up areas of land surrounded by water, this sounds like something of a contradiction.
Die Malerin Gisela Krohn lebt und arbeitet in Berlin-Kreuzberg - doch die Bilder ihrer neuesten Werkgruppe zeigen keine städtischen Szenerien, sondern Bäume, Bäume und nochmals Bäume.
Einbaumöbel sind Zwitter zwischen Architektur und Möbel, denn sie sind eben nicht "mobil", also beweglich, sondern fester Bestandteil der "Immobilie". Johannes Kottjé hat diesen meist sehr individuellen Einrichtungselementen ein höchst anregendes
Hier liegt ein großformatig-schweres Buch vor mit einem etwas reisserischen Titel, doch der Blick in die porträtierten Häuser besänftigt sofort.
The book can be read as a kind of continuation of the title, in that it is a monologue by the artist Katharina Grosse about building a house and about her own house, a highly personal description of thoughts and perceptions.
The Daimler Art Collection is regarded as one of the oldest and most important of Germany's corporate collections and at present contains approx. 1800 works.
Sein Leben erzählt in Briefen, Plänen, Dokumenten (His life in letters, plans, documents)
Eine Villa von Martin Elsaesser für Philipp F. Reemtsma .(A villa by Martin Elsaesser for Philipp F. Reemtsma)
Even the most spectacular trade fair stand disappears again as fast as it was set up and remains only an ephemeral memory. However this two-volume photographic record, the result of a cooperation between publishers Frame and Gestalten Verlag.
Produkte, die Geschichte schrieben (Products which have made history)
From being known only to insiders Herzog & de Meuron have become megastars, and their awards include the 2001 Pritzker Preis and the 2007 Praemium Imperiale. Volume 4 of their complete work has now been published and covers the years 1997 to
Starting with the concept of 'individual design for living', what forms, themes and tendencies determine the parameters for today's housing design?
Die Bauwerke und Kunstdenkmäler von Berlin (Berlin's architectural works and artistic monuments)
This is an exciting and stimulating book which is both an enjoyable read and a detailed and accurate work of reference!
At the end of the Eighties Jürgen Große began to document street art in Berlin with his camera. This new large-format illustrated volume contains a selection from twenty years of intensive field research.
A summing-up and stocktaking of the design of the first decade of the new millennium: So what is new, what can we expect and what will we want to have?.
In the form of a script Kristina Raderschad has put together a collection of annotated illustrations which deal with those aspects of our homes which do not normally form the highlights of books and magazines on home furnishing.
Exhibition at the Deutsche Guggenheim / Berlin until 1.2.2009
Let's be honest, which of us has read the 'De architectura libri decem' ("Ten books about architecture") by Vitruvius, or even part of the work? Even though searching Google for 'Vitruvius' will produce no less than a staggering 3.6 million hits.
The introductory photo of this book says it all: two gentlemen are sitting, or rather lounging, in elegant armchairs, each with a glass of white wine in his hand, the bottle within easy reach in a wine cooler, and are chatting in an obviously good
Cordula Rau has collected the answers to this question given by 100 architects and designers, acquiring in the process an impressive collection of signatures.
At the moment the bathing ship in the East harbour of Berlin, one of Berlin's most attractive open-air pools, is being made ready for the winter.
R. Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Dwellings and Other Domestic Adventures
In the series "Conversations with ." published by the Princeton Architectural Press, which also includes conversations with Le Corbusier, Louis Khan and Rem Koolhaas, the latest addition is "Conversations with Mies van der Rohe".
The traditional 'domain of the housewife', in which nowadays more and more men are to be found playing with high-tech equipment, has for some time now been a central place.
U-Bahnhöfe der klassischen Moderne (Underground stations in the classical modern style)
Christine Killory and Rene Davids examine the influence on architecture of high-tech engineering on the basis of 25 buildings erected in the USA.
Sabine Seymour, who among other things lectures at the Parsons New School for Design, New York, has put together a collection of products and materials which looks at the close interlinking of fashion, design, technology and science.
It's an unusual thing to find a book on architecture with hardly any pictures, almost total reliance on text and taking as its subject a series of crucial questions relating to 31 buzzwords.
Olympic Games in China are dominating the headlines just as much as reports about the current spectacular major projects of thel architectural stars.
Sprayed-on metal skin for seamless and geometrically complex metal surfaces
Places, products, authors, museum, collections, characters, chronicle, glossary
Ingrid Buron and Gregory Namberger "export" the spirit of Berlin to the island of Rügen
The designer Alexis Oehler works in the heart of Berlin's Kreuzberg district, but the romantic impression given by his workshop is contradicted by the hardness and roughness of his preferred material, which normally tends to evoke associations of