Design Born of Passion
Texte par Atrium Magazin für Wohnkultur, Design und Architektur
Schlieren, Suisse
Merely playing with fire wasn't enough for Johannes Wagner. Which is why, with CONMOTO, he started creating favourite spots for indoors and outside. The influence of internationally renowned designers is unmistakable.
Inspiring: Johannes Wagner (links) found a charismatic brand ambassador for conmoto in music producer and DJ Mousse T

Inspiring: Johannes Wagner (links) found a charismatic brand ambassador for conmoto in music producer and DJ Mousse T
×In the late 1990s, there was only one name that came into question for anybody with a weakness for unusually attractive fireplace accessories: conmoto. A lot has happened since then! With fresh ideas and a keen instinct for trends, conmoto has established itself as a brand name for top-quality furniture and sophisticated design. We paid a visit to Johannes Wagner, the inventor and driving force behind the brand, in Münster, where art, expertise and vision enter into a fantastic symbiosis at the firm's smart headquarters on the shores of Aasee Lake. "This is home to our creative cell, which consists of designers, design engineers, carpenters and graphic designers. This is where trends are anticipated," explains the entrepreneur with obvious pride.
Magnificent: the successful "RIVA" line has been continuously expanded and ranges from lounge furniture all the way to a desk. The benches and table form a harmonious ensemble and provide enough space for up to 10 people

Magnificent: the successful "RIVA" line has been continuously expanded and ranges from lounge furniture all the way to a desk. The benches and table form a harmonious ensemble and provide enough space for up to 10 people
×But let's start at the beginning: playing with fire was followed by an excursion into the garden. Together with design star Peter Maly, the conmoto team developed weatherproof garden furnishings made of fine wood and aluminium. Another new idea had been born. It was followed by the flueless fireplace – a totally new phenomenon, naturally. The company created the first ethanol fireplaces together with Sieger Design. "TRAVELMATE" and "ROLL FIRE" have meanwhile become the classics of the freestanding fireplace segment.
Versatile: the "X-MAN" (photo) and "Y-WOMAN" tables feature an unusual combination of solid wood and HPL and can be used as a dining table, desk or work table

Versatile: the "X-MAN" (photo) and "Y-WOMAN" tables feature an unusual combination of solid wood and HPL and can be used as a dining table, desk or work table
×Evers since, conmoto has been continuously and cleverly expanding its product range and fine-tuning its integrated concept. The outdoor furniture has been joined by intelligent furniture for indoor spaces. Work is currently underway on an unusual design line, which is being developed in collaboration with Werner Aisslinger. Suspenseful forms and an interesting mix of materials as seen in the award-winning "TENSION" series are just as characteristic of the new development as the purist "RIVA" line. The latter collection effortlessly takes advantage of the benefits provided by HPL. Wagner realised the opportunities the robust laminate sheets presented at an early stage and made ingenious use of them – not just for his product range but for projects as well. For the label, which recently opened a showroom in Berlin, has made a name for itself as a partner for architects and planners too, and the firm's many years of experience in furniture production and the expertise of the conmoto creatives are highly appreciated in the upmarket contract sector as well. Brands like BMW, Red Bull and Mercedes-Benz Rennsport are just a few of the regular clients on its long list of references. EB
See-through: "ROLL FIRE" allows the glorious blaze to be admired from both sides. Thanks to an optional bracket, the ethanol fireplace can even be mounted on the wall

See-through: "ROLL FIRE" allows the glorious blaze to be admired from both sides. Thanks to an optional bracket, the ethanol fireplace can even be mounted on the wall
Photos: conmoto/Nela König
Lions at Work GmbH
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