Home Is Where The Bath Is
Texte par Atrium Magazin für Wohnkultur, Design und Architektur
Schlieren, Suisse
Family firm KEUCO's full range of bathroom furnishings offers customers a compelling standard of design and quality.
Puristic: the "ROYAL 60" furnishing concept, designed by Tesseraux + Partner, features clear-cut forms and straight lines

Puristic: the "ROYAL 60" furnishing concept, designed by Tesseraux + Partner, features clear-cut forms and straight lines
×The foundation stone of what was to become KEUCO GmbH & Co. KG was laid on 1st April 1953, when Hermann Bönner and Paul Keune founded a small fittings firm together with investors Eduard Baron de Becker-Remy and Josef Himrich. Back then, 60 years ago, nobody could have suspected it would turn into an international full-range provider of bathroom products. In the meantime, KEUCO is an established German brand of global standing and has earned itself an international reputation as a design-centric bathroom furnishings manufacturer. The family business is headed by Engelbert Himrich, the third generation to serve as managing partner, and Managing Director Hartmut Dalheimer. All the main shareholders are members of the families that founded the company.
Elegance in the bathroom: the fittings from KEUCO's "EDITION 11" collection are aesthetic, functional and sensuous

Elegance in the bathroom: the fittings from KEUCO's "EDITION 11" collection are aesthetic, functional and sensuous
×Milestone: KEUCO "ELEGANCE", shown here in a picture from the 1970s, is one of the most successful accessories collections in the world

Milestone: KEUCO "ELEGANCE", shown here in a picture from the 1970s, is one of the most successful accessories collections in the world
×KEUCO made bathroom history with its famous "ELEGANCE" series. As the world's most successful accessories collection, its popularity has been unsurpassed for decades. Since its launch in 1967 it has become the best-selling bathroom series of all time: consumers have purchased around 45 million items from the collection. Today KEUCO is a full-range provider of bathroom furnishings with four plants in Hemer, Gütersloh and Bünde. Its latest collections include "EDITION 11", featuring products in a reticent, straightforward design, and "ROYAL 60", a bathroom furnishing concept for purist aesthetes. MTG
At the helm: Managing Partner Engelbert Himrich...
Photos: Keuco
Oesestrasse 36
DE-58675 Hemer
Tel. 0049 (0) 2372 9040
Fax 0049 (0) 2372 904 236