The 2018 edition of Domotex, the world’s leading trade fair for floor coverings, comes with a breath of fresh air: one of the many new features is a curatorial approach to exhibition design in connection with an overarching keynote theme.

Susanne Schmidhuber, founder and partner of Schmidhuber

Looking forward: Susanne Schmidhuber on Domotex 2018 | Salons

Susanne Schmidhuber, founder and partner of Schmidhuber


UNIQUE YOUNIVERSE is the keynote theme of Domotex 2018, mirroring the desire for individuality that has led to products and services being increasingly personalised. In collaboration with Munich-based brand experience agency Schmidhuber, Domotex has conceived the multi-facetted Framing Trends experience realm located in Hall 9: exhibitors, students and artists have designed special displays playing with the theme of individualisation. The aim is to offer visitors an emotionally appealing and inspiring environment.

Susanne Schmidhuber, founder and partner of Schmidhuber who have developed the new concept, answers questions and talks about contemporary trade exhibition design:

Why is it more important than ever for trade exhibitions to take a curatorial approach?

You have to offer additional value for visitors. These days, there are more and more events covering similar themes, but we only have a limited amount of time and therefore we have to make a choice. That’s why a trade fair must be more than just a product display. And the ‘more’ must be different, inspiring and high quality. To guarantee high quality, you have to involve experts.

Regarding the architectural design of the Framing Trends environment in Hall 9: which aspects were of particular importance to you?

It was important to us to get away from traditional trade fair hall layouts. Instead, we wanted to develop an open, urban concept: boulevards and squares define the exhibition space, with sightlines providing orientation and offering inspiring views. The Framing Trends keynote theme runs through all layers of communication. We have created a consistent design idiom from key visual and imagery through to architecture.

Domotex Hall 9: Framing Trends

Looking forward: Susanne Schmidhuber on Domotex 2018 | Salons

Domotex Hall 9: Framing Trends


Companies from the most different industry sectors are offering personalised products, for example Nike, Burberry, Wittmann and Lamborghini. Which new opportunities for architects and planners are created through personalisable flooring?

With short development times and cost-efficient small-scale production we are able to respond to clients’ individual wishes and requirements. Flooring is no longer an independent thing: from the very start, it is an element belonging to the overall concept.

For the Domotex project you have been looking very closely at the flooring industry. Which trends, do you think, are emerging in terms of products, materials or technologies?

Clearly, digitisation also has a major impact on the flooring industry. Products are becoming intelligent and will be combining several functions. For example, sophisticated sensors are able to recognise particular patterns of movement. These sensors are being tested in the hospital sector, among others. In our collaboration with universities, we have also seen that in particular young planners love to explore the potential uses of natural materials. And, what can be observed very clearly: vinyl is becoming a very big trend.

12-15 January
Hanover Exhibition Centre (Messegelände Hannover)