The Design Vote
Texte par NoéMie Schwaller
Zürich, Suisse
A daily vote on modern home furnishings and furniture, lighting and storage
The Design Vote presents design articles which are rated by consumers by a simple voting process. A positive vote is registered by clicking on the 'thumbs up' button and a negative vote using the 'thumbs down' symbol. The idea behind this is to give visitors to the site an opportunity to express their opinions and at the same time observe the opinions of others. The results are constantly evaluated and displayed, with the most popular objects listed in daily rankings.
85 Lamps by Rody Graumans – the most popular object on 27.12.08, with 139 votes for and 49 votes against.

85 Lamps by Rody Graumans – the most popular object on 27.12.08, with 139 votes for and 49 votes against.
×The Design Vote was established in 2008 and has developed into a number of pages:, the, and The aim is to create an honest dialogue with design, without being influenced by marketing and advertising. Voting is lively, although the comments which are entered are fairly limited in scope.
Dumpster Hot Tub – the most popular object on 31.12.08, with 148 votes for and 127 votes against.