Informazioni su Alberto Campo Baeza

Alberto Campo Baeza
Alberto Campo Baeza, ETSAM Madrid
He was born in Valladolid, where his grandfather was an architect, but from the age of two, he lived in CADIZ where he saw the LIGHT. There, his father, who is about to celebrate his 100th birthday, was a surgeon. From him, he inherited the spirit of ANALYSIS and from his mother the determination to be an ARCHITECT.
He lives in Madrid, where he went to study Architecture. His first teacher was Alejandro de la Sota, who imbued in him the ESSENTIAL architecture that he is still trying to erect. He also had Julio Cano Lasso as professor, who very generously invited him to collaborate on some works. As well as Aburto and Cabrero. He wrote his Doctoral Thesis with Javier Carvajal and entered as a PROFESSOR in the Madrid School of Architecture, the ETSAM, where he has been a tenured Professor for more than 20 years.
He has taught at the ETH in Zurich and the EPFL in Lausanne as well as the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. And in Dublin and Naples, and in Virginia and Copenhagen. And at the BAUHAUS in Weimar and at Kansas State University. And he spent a year as a research fellow at COLUMBIA University in New York in 2001. He has given many lectures and has received many awards. The latest, the TORROJA for his Caja Granada building.
His works have been widely recognized. From the homes Casa Turégano and Casa de Blas, both in Madrid, to Casa Gaspar, Casa Asencio and Casa Guerrero in Cádiz. And the Olnick Spanu House in Garrison, New York. Or the Centro BIT in Inca-Mallorca or the Caja de Granada savings bank and MA, the Museum of Andalusian Memory, both in Granada. And a nursery for Benetton in Venice.
And more than 8 editions of a BOOK with his texts “LA IDEA CONSTRUÍDA” [THE BUILT IDEA] have been published in several languages. He believes in Architecture as a BUILD IDEA. And he believes that the principle components of Architecture are GRAVITY that constructs SPACE and LIGHT that constructs TIME.
He has shown his work in CROWN HALL by Mies at Chicago’s IIT and at the PALLADIO Basilica in Vicenza. And In Urban Center In New York. And at the Saint Irene Church in Istanbul. And in 2009 the prestigious MA Gallery of Toto in Tokyo is preparing an anthological exhibition of his work. And in many other places. He says it’s because he’s always surrounded by generous people.
He doesn’t have a car, or a watch or a cell phone. And in his library there are more books of POETRY than there are of ARCHITECTURE. And in his Studio there are only 5 people, all of them wonderful. And he confesses that he is HAPPY.

Alberto Campo Baeza
Alberto Campo Baeza, ETSAM Madrid
He was born in Valladolid, where his grandfather was an architect, but from the age of two, he lived in CADIZ where he saw the LIGHT. There, his father, who is about to celebrate his 100th birthday, was a surgeon. From him, he inherited the spirit of ANALYSIS and from his mother the determination to be an ARCHITECT.
He lives in Madrid, where he went to study Architecture. His first teacher was Alejandro de la Sota, who imbued in him the ESSENTIAL architecture that he is still trying to erect. He also had Julio Cano Lasso as professor, who very generously invited him to collaborate on some works. As well as Aburto and Cabrero. He wrote his Doctoral Thesis with Javier Carvajal and entered as a PROFESSOR in the Madrid School of Architecture, the ETSAM, where he has been a tenured Professor for more than 20 years.
He has taught at the ETH in Zurich and the EPFL in Lausanne as well as the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. And in Dublin and Naples, and in Virginia and Copenhagen. And at the BAUHAUS in Weimar and at Kansas State University. And he spent a year as a research fellow at COLUMBIA University in New York in 2001. He has given many lectures and has received many awards. The latest, the TORROJA for his Caja Granada building.
His works have been widely recognized. From the homes Casa Turégano and Casa de Blas, both in Madrid, to Casa Gaspar, Casa Asencio and Casa Guerrero in Cádiz. And the Olnick Spanu House in Garrison, New York. Or the Centro BIT in Inca-Mallorca or the Caja de Granada savings bank and MA, the Museum of Andalusian Memory, both in Granada. And a nursery for Benetton in Venice.
And more than 8 editions of a BOOK with his texts “LA IDEA CONSTRUÍDA” [THE BUILT IDEA] have been published in several languages. He believes in Architecture as a BUILD IDEA. And he believes that the principle components of Architecture are GRAVITY that constructs SPACE and LIGHT that constructs TIME.
He has shown his work in CROWN HALL by Mies at Chicago’s IIT and at the PALLADIO Basilica in Vicenza. And In Urban Center In New York. And at the Saint Irene Church in Istanbul. And in 2009 the prestigious MA Gallery of Toto in Tokyo is preparing an anthological exhibition of his work. And in many other places. He says it’s because he’s always surrounded by generous people.
He doesn’t have a car, or a watch or a cell phone. And in his library there are more books of POETRY than there are of ARCHITECTURE. And in his Studio there are only 5 people, all of them wonderful. And he confesses that he is HAPPY.