Informazioni su Besonias Almeida Arquitectos

Guillermo de Almeida and María Victoria Besonias
Besonias Almeida arquitectos is a studio established in November 2012 and integrated by Argentine architects Maria Victoria Besonias and Guillermo de Almeida. They both are engaged in the profession independently since 1975 and as full members of BAKarquitectos studio from 2000 until its dissolution.
Maria Victoria Besonías was born on October 18th, 1947, in Madrid, Spain. Graduated at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires in 1975. She is Professor of Architecture at the University of Buenos Aires. Jury member of the College of Architects of the Province of Buenos Aires and the Argentine Federation of Architecture. In 2012 she was distinguished by the Honorable Senate of the Prov. De Bs. As. with the Lifetime Achievement Award and Merit.
She has lectured in the country and abroad: U.S.A., Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Paraguay. She has participated of workshops in Rosario, Posadas, and Arequipa (Perú).
Guillermo de Almeida was born on November 12th 1945 in Buenos Aires, Argentine.
Graduated at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires in 1975. He has been Professor of Architecture at the University of Buenos Aires, Associate Architecture Professor at the University of Morón in Buenos Aires and member of the Superior Council of the College of Architects of the Province of Buenos Aires. He is a member the Corps of Juries of the same institution. He has given lectures in the country and abroad: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and Paraguay.
Their works have been awarded numerous prizes and have been published in specialized media of Argentine and different countries around the world.

Guillermo de Almeida and María Victoria Besonias
Besonias Almeida arquitectos is a studio established in November 2012 and integrated by Argentine architects Maria Victoria Besonias and Guillermo de Almeida. They both are engaged in the profession independently since 1975 and as full members of BAKarquitectos studio from 2000 until its dissolution.
Maria Victoria Besonías was born on October 18th, 1947, in Madrid, Spain. Graduated at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires in 1975. She is Professor of Architecture at the University of Buenos Aires. Jury member of the College of Architects of the Province of Buenos Aires and the Argentine Federation of Architecture. In 2012 she was distinguished by the Honorable Senate of the Prov. De Bs. As. with the Lifetime Achievement Award and Merit.
She has lectured in the country and abroad: U.S.A., Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Paraguay. She has participated of workshops in Rosario, Posadas, and Arequipa (Perú).
Guillermo de Almeida was born on November 12th 1945 in Buenos Aires, Argentine.
Graduated at the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires in 1975. He has been Professor of Architecture at the University of Buenos Aires, Associate Architecture Professor at the University of Morón in Buenos Aires and member of the Superior Council of the College of Architects of the Province of Buenos Aires. He is a member the Corps of Juries of the same institution. He has given lectures in the country and abroad: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and Paraguay.
Their works have been awarded numerous prizes and have been published in specialized media of Argentine and different countries around the world.