Marie Rahm and Monica Singer, both born 1975, first teamed up on joint projects while studying product design at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna and the Royal College of Art in London. In 2004 they formalised their cooperation when they founded the Polka label. Since then the pair have worked together on product (in-cluding furniture) and visual design projects.
The duo’s design philosophy is expressed by the logo’s “product pleasure” claim. They set out to lend charm, sensuality and humour, and the certain lightness of being to the artefacts we live with. The histories of their products surprise, confuse or amuse. The unusual is extracted from the mundane and distilled into new product ideas.
While the two’s route to success is lined with numerous awards, for them it is more important that their products appeal in the marketplace. Their portfolio includes work for Eybl International, Herend Porzellan, Innermost UK, Lobmeyr, disguincio, Österreicher im MAK and latterly, Wittmann Möbelwerkstätten.