Informazioni su Vicens + Ramos

Ignacio Vicens Y Hualde and José Antonio Ramos Abengózar
Ignacio Vicens Y Hualde
1976 Architectural degree from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM).
1985 Ph. D. Doctorate in Architecture, ETSAM.
1978-1988 Associate Professor of Design, ETSAM.
1989-1996 Full Professor of Design, ETSAM.
1989-1996 Chair in Design, ETSAM.
Researcher and director responsible for the researcher group of “CULTURA DEL HÁBITAT”.
Visiting Professor at the University of Harvard, Pennsylvania, London (AA, Architectural Association), Palermo, Paris (UP8), Rome (La Sapienza), Milan (Politécnico), Navarre, Montevideo (U. de la República), México (Iberoamericana and Las Americas), Guatemala (del Istmo y Marroquín), Lima (Catholic), Oporto and Budapest.
1985 ETSAM Doctoral Prize.
1986 COAM Research Prize.
1998-2004 Deputy Director of Doctoral and Research of the Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid.
Since 2002 Director of Cátedra Blanca CEMEX.
1994-1998 Chairman of the Ph. D. Committee. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid.
1980-1986 Secretary of the Culture Committee of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.
Since 1994 Member of the Editorial Board of Arquitectura, COAM.
Member of the Editorial Board of Nueva Revista.
Member of the Steering Committee of the Real Fundacion de Toledo, the Camilo José Cela Foundation and Félix Granda Foundation.
Grand Cross of the Order of “Dos de Mayo”.
Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great.
Commander of the Order of Civil Merit.
Author of the book “Dicho y Hecho”, published by Nobuko.
José Antonio Ramos Abengózar
1982 Architectural degree from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM).
2002 Ph. D. Doctorate in Architecture, ETSAM.
1997 Associate Professor of Design, ETSAM.
Since 2009 Full Professor of Design, ETSAM.
Research professor of the Research Group “CULTURA DEL HÁBITAT”
2008-2009 Doctorate professor.
since 2009 Professor of the Master Avanzado de Proyectos Arquitectónicos of the ETSAM.
Author of books Teresianum y El Pasado Dibujado de la serie A.DE.DESDE-Preposiciones-Proposiciones.
Author of book Del Alba al Atardecer. Ed. Nobuko.
Guest professor at several Spanish universities.
Guest professor at Academia de España en Roma
Digital Magazine Editor of
1996-1997 Member of the Editorial Board of BAU, COACM.
Award "'Fundamentos'' of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.

Ignacio Vicens Y Hualde and José Antonio Ramos Abengózar
Ignacio Vicens Y Hualde
1976 Architectural degree from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM).
1985 Ph. D. Doctorate in Architecture, ETSAM.
1978-1988 Associate Professor of Design, ETSAM.
1989-1996 Full Professor of Design, ETSAM.
1989-1996 Chair in Design, ETSAM.
Researcher and director responsible for the researcher group of “CULTURA DEL HÁBITAT”.
Visiting Professor at the University of Harvard, Pennsylvania, London (AA, Architectural Association), Palermo, Paris (UP8), Rome (La Sapienza), Milan (Politécnico), Navarre, Montevideo (U. de la República), México (Iberoamericana and Las Americas), Guatemala (del Istmo y Marroquín), Lima (Catholic), Oporto and Budapest.
1985 ETSAM Doctoral Prize.
1986 COAM Research Prize.
1998-2004 Deputy Director of Doctoral and Research of the Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid.
Since 2002 Director of Cátedra Blanca CEMEX.
1994-1998 Chairman of the Ph. D. Committee. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid.
1980-1986 Secretary of the Culture Committee of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.
Since 1994 Member of the Editorial Board of Arquitectura, COAM.
Member of the Editorial Board of Nueva Revista.
Member of the Steering Committee of the Real Fundacion de Toledo, the Camilo José Cela Foundation and Félix Granda Foundation.
Grand Cross of the Order of “Dos de Mayo”.
Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great.
Commander of the Order of Civil Merit.
Author of the book “Dicho y Hecho”, published by Nobuko.
José Antonio Ramos Abengózar
1982 Architectural degree from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM).
2002 Ph. D. Doctorate in Architecture, ETSAM.
1997 Associate Professor of Design, ETSAM.
Since 2009 Full Professor of Design, ETSAM.
Research professor of the Research Group “CULTURA DEL HÁBITAT”
2008-2009 Doctorate professor.
since 2009 Professor of the Master Avanzado de Proyectos Arquitectónicos of the ETSAM.
Author of books Teresianum y El Pasado Dibujado de la serie A.DE.DESDE-Preposiciones-Proposiciones.
Author of book Del Alba al Atardecer. Ed. Nobuko.
Guest professor at several Spanish universities.
Guest professor at Academia de España en Roma
Digital Magazine Editor of
1996-1997 Member of the Editorial Board of BAU, COACM.
Award "'Fundamentos'' of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.