A new visual identity
Two construction projects at Zurich Air- port are close to completion. The project “Aufwertung Terminal 2” (Upgrading of Terminal 2) encompasses the comprehen- sive renovation of Terminal 2. The project “Neugestaltung Vorfahrten” (Redevelop- ment of Access Roads) includes the renovation and redesign of access roads alongside the terminals at both levels. The redesign concept is based on a holistic approach to design, with the aim of giving Zurich Airport a new visual identity. The most distinctive design feature is the new canopy in front of the terminal at the de- partures level, which is tted with BEAM 60 LED roof spotlights as well as METRO roof, wall and street luminaires and FLAT LED luminaires from BURRI public elements. The ceiling now also features additional illuminated advertising.
In addition to the new canopy and bridge structure, which extends the area in front of Terminal 2 to about 70 metres, a range of new open-space elements from BURRI have been added to the new traf c regime. Among others, these include new signage elements as well as signage poles, which have been installed on existing BURRI bollard foundations. In addition, the new access road features special signage that will inform visitors with lighting and a digital display for parking spaces. Added to these are custom designs for the cash machines, which are newly installed on the airport access road.
Burckhardt + Partner AG
Overall project management/Gesamtprojektleitung: dsp Ingenieure und Planer AG
Road construction/Strassenbau: F. Preisig AG
Canopy/Überdachung: Dr. Lüchinger Meyer Bauingenieure AG
Signaletik: inform GmbH