Connectivity is THE subject at Vector Informatik GmbH, for instance, in the development of vehicle control units (ECUs) and their software. This inspired the interior designers of GEPLAN DESIGN to include the concept of touching and intersecting vectors as well as structures and grids in the interior design of the new VectorAcademy. In the process of learning, too, the neurons in the brain newly link up. Now, the new academy of Vector at the company’s headquarters in Stuttgart-Weilimdorf is supposed to provide optimum learning conditions and new neuronal connections. The impressive interior design, which expertly translates the image of connectivity into the built space, is the creative work of GEPLAN DESIGN. For the committed designers from Stuttgart, the project is not the first for the company with its globally 3,000 employees. GEPLAN DESIGN already designed the CANtine by Traube Tonbach for Vector, as well as the inviting foyer of the company’s headquarters. Other projects for Vector are at the planning stage.

“Wonder is the seed of knowledge” says a quote from the artist Francis Bacon. And this is entirely in the spirit of the interior designers of GEPLAN DESIGN. Promoting openness, curiosity and the enjoyment of learning, this is what the designers intended when designing the new VectorAcademy. To create a place of learning which in many respects is different and distinctive. Already in the generous, two-story lobby, visitors encounter the three-dimensional, shaped room sculpture wall made of oak veneer. “Skillfully and ingeniously crafted and pure aesthetics,” thus Cord Glantz, who – together with his twin brother Rolf Glantz – manages the GEPLAN DESIGN office. With its multiply folded surface, the wall seems to be permanently swinging in gentle movements, and encircles a special meeting room for training visitors from all over the world in the central courtyard.

Design team:

Interior Designer: GEPLAN DESIGN
Greenterior-DesigneR: Miriam Köpf