Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks
When Vasakronan decided to renovate the facade of Klara Zenit in the middle of Stockholm city, they decided they wanted to create a new landmark in Stockholm. Nyréns architecture office was commissioned to map out the possibilities for a living outdoor facade.
In cities such as Madrid, London, and Paris, there are already fantastic outdoor plant walls, but these supports are located in warmer climate zones than Stockholm, which gave the project a new challenge, we had to identify and develop a plant system that would cope with the changing Nordic climate, year in and year out.
Thanks to Greenworks' good reputation and understanding of really demanding plant walls, we, therefore, became a natural partner in the planning phase. Together with Nyréns, we identified that Klara Zenit's facade would contain a variety of plants, mostly perennials, which could not only cope with a Nordic climate but could also create a spectacular effect, especially during the summer season. We also wanted to fully utilize and show the possibilities a vertical garden provides, by also planting smaller trees and bushes to create an interesting variety in the landscape.
With Vasakronan as the client, this became Stockholm's first real outdoor vertical garden. Today, the garden contains everything from shrubs to meadows, but also flowering plants. On 70 square meters, 2,500 plants from almost 40 different species, such as lingonberry, wintergreen, silverleaf, mountain carnation, crowberry, dwarf birch, cryptal, small love herb, and steppe sage, coexist. In addition, the plant wall has come alive in a way no one could have predicted with its own bird's nest in the middle of the plant wall, safely hidden from the city's buzz among green plants and bushes. Today, Klara Zenit's plant wall has developed over several years and become a verdant biotope in the middle of the city, which proves in an excellent way that it is possible to create viable and beautiful outdoor walls even in the harsh Nordic climate.
Nyréns Arkitektkontor
Property Owner / Client

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks

Fotografo: Greenworks