Villa Honegg is a luxurious private retreat, where you can escape modern life without necessarily leaving modernity behind. Independently operated, this hotel has been crafted from the artfully refurbished, renowned hotel which has occupied this majestic site at an altitude of almost 1000 metres, atop Mount Bürgenberg.
The five-storey chalet style hotel was built in the rare Scandanavian ‘Gustavian’ style, with its facades lovingly restored by local artisans to surpass their former glory.
The hotel has been refurbished to unprecedented standards and accommodates 23 suites and guestrooms, a spa, an exclusive restaurant, salons, a fumoir, a screening room with cinema quality acoustic performance and AV, wide terraces and a suite of private rooms. It has also earned a reputation as one of the best al fresco swimming pools in Europe.
Design Team:
Jestico + Whiles
Lead architect: James Dilley
Collaborators: Joanna Grotowska-Hall, Duncan Holes and Nick Howlett