Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern
ArcoWest is an office building near the city of Bern. It has 6850 square metres of office space for businesses. The large windows and atriums make the building bright and inviting. The flat tubular radiators NR from Prolux are integrated beautifully into the architecture and allow ample light into the offices.
Züblin Immobilien AG, Zürich
Architekt: Architekturbüro Sinzig + Partner AG, Bern
Planer/Ingenieur: Basler & Hofmann, Murten
Installateur: Ramsyer + Dilger, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern

Fotografo: Damian Poffet, Bern