Better workspaces for people and the environment
Storia del Marchio di Sisse Bro
Holland, MI, Stati Uniti d'America
What are the factors to be considered when devising workspaces which benefit not only the people in them but the environment, too? Office specialist Haworth provides an answer...
Besides providing functional office solutions, Haworth also takes time to dream and imagine what our future workspaces could look like?

Besides providing functional office solutions, Haworth also takes time to dream and imagine what our future workspaces could look like?
×Holistic workspace design
What kind of environment encourages us to work better is obviously a subjective matter and depends on numerous factors including our temperament and personality, for example. Some people prefer big and bright spaces, others like intimate and quiet corners. But it’s not just the formal space that affects us; in our work life, just as in our home life, all senses and emotions are involved, so our comfort is influenced by a long list of considerations.
Imagining and creating working environments that inspire is therefore not a simple task. It requires a significant understanding of space planning as well as of psychology. This, naturally, is why testing and trying out various scenarios before actually building is not only helpful but centrally relevant when it comes to building long-lasting, durable solutions.
With the help of virtual reality, possibilities are endless when it comes to imagining dreamlike environments – helping us to challenge normative thinking and to discover new realities

With the help of virtual reality, possibilities are endless when it comes to imagining dreamlike environments – helping us to challenge normative thinking and to discover new realities
×Haworth’s team of designers and researchers has examined, explored and imagined in order to design a portfolio of more than 116 virtual work settings and space solutions. By incorporating detailed knowledge regarding the variations in office and organisational cultures across continents, the portfolio reaches out to a global clientele.
Working for the environment
Liz Teh, Head of Design for the international region, emphasises how the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the world to elevate the importance of the digital experience and suggests that there are several key takeaways to keep in mind for the future: that we should never underestimate just how much our close surroundings affect our minds and our creativity; that colours, materiality and humour play a significant role in relation to our mood and well-being; and last but not least, that to create a more sustainable real estate industry, we need further scrutinisation of current practices as well as more innovation to reduce the harmful impacts of the industry on our natural environment.
Upon entering Haworth's virtual showroom, over 5000 sqm, 116 different settings and 645 product types are made available in just a few clicks – created to inspire and guide us towards happier, healthier workspaces

Upon entering Haworth's virtual showroom, over 5000 sqm, 116 different settings and 645 product types are made available in just a few clicks – created to inspire and guide us towards happier, healthier workspaces
×Haworth International virtual showroom is already impressive due to the sheer scale of the smart solutions and intriguing interiors it offers, but even more so with the knowledge that it’s based on human-centred, holistic, and environmental considerations.
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