Concentration in accordance with creativity
Scritto da Interface
Krefeld, Germania
The working environment changes and with it interior designs do so, too. It is more than ever essential to create environments, where employees feel comfortable. Apart from a good payment and an interesting perspective it is the working environment playing a vibrant role in the „war for talents“. Ro
Open Office, flooring: Interface, furniture: BENE
The working environment changes and with it interior designs do so, too. It is more than ever essential to create environments, where employees feel comfortable. Apart from a good payment and an interesting perspective it is the working environment playing a vibrant role in the „war for talents“. Rooms enabling a togetherness that fosters creativity and inspiring ideas and leaves space for individuality at the same time – that is what becomes more and more appreciated. Many companies just begin to realize that they would only be able to win and keep employees if those feel balanced and contented. This culture of common thinking, learning, and creating means rethinking to architects when it comes to the development of room solutions. What is in demand is open rooms aligning to the project’s demands and reflecting the corporate culture. Whether it is flexible walls, green walls, or rooms, subordinating to a common theme – it is always about atmophere enabling both concentrated working and a living dialogue.
Creating and visually defining zones with carpet tiles
Planners face a big challenge as open spaces often come with acoustic difficulties – that is why concentration and dialogue hardly go together. The solution could be creating zones for different activities: Talks and cooperation, reflexion and concentration, learning and researching, formal meetings or presentations, relaxation and recovery. Zones could be separated by means of shelves, movable walls, or even lighting concepts.
Zoning example, flooring: Monochrome by Interface
With floorings one can visually define separate zones. The advantage of modular flooring systems? Compared to conventional solutions carpet tiles come with the benefit of being layable even in small areas. Colours, patterns, and textures can be combined – that is why even uncommon shapes are possible. Often an astounding effect emerges by extending existing floorings with carpet tiles coming along with new colours and textures. By this means working spaces in interiors become more vibrant and dynamic. A flowingly division effects that employees can move freely between separately utilized zones and areas. Besides, carpet tiles are easily interchangeable – a huge advantage when it comes to redesigning rooms or removing soilings and damages.
Modular does not equal square, flooring: Interface, furniture: BENE
Design and cost efficiency go hand in hand
Modular floorings not only provide additional scope for creativity but are also characterized by a high capacity and durability. Carpet tiles can easily be laid without interrupting operating business activities. Also the cut is low: in case of choosing designs which are suitable for random design, the cut is one to two percent only. Other textile flooring solutions have to deal with a comparatively high cut of approximately 13 percent.