I’ve got the power: Plug & Light
Storia del Marchio di Katharina Schwarze
Easy to use and highly compatible, PLUG & LIGHT puts the power into users’ own hands with lighting control sourced directly from the socket.
Unplugging the hairdryer and plugging in the electric toothbrush instead is so easy as to make enlisting an electrician’s services unthinkable. Trading one lamp for another is quite a different matter. Removing screws, drilling holes, matching wires and joining them in lustre terminals – this takes a certain amount of technical skill, the right tools and some knowledge of electricity. Even with all of that at one’s disposal, the outside chance that the circuit in question isn’t actually switched off can keep one’s nerves on edge. Here professional assistance may be called for after all.
In times in which we can communicate with our refrigerators by an app, the need for professional help seems outdated. System developer Insta and the two major German building technology suppliers, Gira and JUNG, apparently felt the same way. This year, they put Plug & Light on the market – an electric socket which, once installed, conveniently accommodates the wide-ranging luminaires of the Plug & Light series by means of integrated magnets.
The Plug & Light Gira E2 and Gira Esprit ranges are available in white and black matte
The Plug & Light socket is even easier to use than the classic electric socket and technologically more ingenious, as it brings together light control and power supply for the first time. Plugged into the Plug & Light socket, all system-compatible luminaires can be rotated 360° without a stop and, even when in operation, can be easily replaced.
The market launch, in addition to the luminaires from Gira and JUNG, will be accompanied by a system-compatible collection of ceiling, wall and pendant lamps from network partner BRUMBERG. The system is open for suitable luminaires and plug-in light sockets designed by other manufacturers and, thanks to the lamps’ ease of use and exchangeability, for the user as well. And all at an extra-low, hazard-free 12 volts. Thrills will have to be found elsewhere in the future.
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