Capa Hoher Tisch

Esstische von GANDIABLASCO, Entworfen von Søren Rose


90x90x74h cm / 35"x35"x29"h
250x100x74h cm / 98"x39"x29"h


“As a designer you always work to invent something that does not exist. It is like a constant struggle to find a purpose or a need that gives you the solution to a problem.

With GANDIABLASCO we have tried to combine its minimalist universe with the Danish concept “hygge”, a philosophy of life that encourages you to enjoy simple and relaxed plans with the people you love. We hope that our collection has soul and speaks to people.”

Made of thermo-lacquered welded aluminium. Armrest in iroko wood or dekton® (optional). Dekton® top

Collections colour sample: bottle green, night blue, white, agate grey, cement grey, bottle green, sand, bronze, wine red, blue grey, grey blue, quartz grey, anthracite and black.
Familie Capa
Architonic ID 20765898
Jahr der Einführung 2024

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Capa Hoher Tisch | Esstische | GANDIABLASCO

Capa Hoher Tisch


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