Onsen Modul 6


97x97x70h cm / 38"x38"x28"h
Sitz: 42hcm / 17"h


Onsen is a contemporary classic devised by Francesco Meda and David Quincoces. A proposal that dialogues with nature and architecture, and that stands out for its experimentation in the use of exterior materials with contrasting properties that maintain their natural elegance although reminiscent of artisanal tanning. It is a collection of outdoor furniture of gentle and elegant beauty that includes elements made with stainless steel, leather and outdoor fabrics. Together they create a balanced combination, where the hardness of steel coexists with the warmth of leather and a selection of fabrics with natural tones.

Made of satin AISI 316L stainless steel. Synthetic leather, vinyl, and polyester straps. 100% acrylic fabric piping.
Tabletop in iroko or podwer-coated aluminum sheet.
Polyurethane foam rubber covered with water-repellent fabric. Removable fabric cover.
Familie Onsen
Architonic ID 20285781
Jahr der Einführung 2022

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Onsen Modul 6


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