Old Times Table & Stool

Esstische von ZEUS, Entworfen von Maurizio Peregalli


Gestell:Kupferschwarz Sandeff ekt
Sitz: Altes Massivholz
Stool dimensions: approx. 55 x 35/40 x H 47 cm
Table dimensions: approx. 190/200 x 70/75 x H 73 cm

Characteristics: Olive tree has noble historical roots, it is known not only for its
resistance and hardness but especially for its flame aspect and its
artistic chromatic grains. Each piece is entirely made by hand and
therefore unique. Each piece is different one from the other, the
polishing treatment can create opaque or reflecting effects. Wood
loses water in a natural way. During this process wood undergoes
colour variations, and only when it has become darker it has to be
considered aged. Buying a product in massive olive wood you have
to know and accept that with time it will change: splits and cracks
are the characteristics of unique pieces.
Hersteller ZEUS
Familie Old Times
Architonic ID 1529169
Jahr der Einführung 2013

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Old Times Table & Stool


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