Plate | Tin

Ceramic flooring from Ceramiche Keope

Product description



A profoundly urban series, inspired by the city and the industrial spaces: this is Plate, the novelty of Ceramiche Keope, in which the beauty of metal is a game of oxidation, chrome and shiny surfaces.
Permeable to brutalist influences, Plate’s evocative universe is a world fascinated by the progress and brilliance of metals, capable of narrating space through seductive aesthetic paradigms. The appeal of the oxidized surfaces lends itself to avant-garde architectural projects of clear industrial style, but also to living spaces that rewrite everyday comfort.

Plate is characterized by a single graphic development declined in 8 elegant colors and saturated with intensity. The colder and more neutral spectrum of the palette is populated by Zinc, in which the absence of color shows the richness of texture and bright reflections of the surface; Silver, which with its silvery shades immediately reminds the metal as a symbol of modernity and progress; Tin, a shade that reproduces the light grey shades of tin, with warmer reflections also suitable for residential contexts; and finally Anthracite, the typical grey of steel plates enriched with brown and bluish accents, perfect for a sober and minimal industrial style.
Manufacturer Ceramiche Keope
Family Plate
Architonic ID 20307247
Year of Launch 2023

Also available in 7 other variants

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