Luna Lounge Dining Element with Tuck

Sofas from Fischer Möbel, Designed by Thomas Kirn

Product description

To create a place where you feel comfortable, the Luna Lounge was developed with great attention to detail. This versatile lounge sofa offers optimum flexibility with its adjustable side panels. Made with an elegant base made of anthracite powder-coated stainless steel. Fittingly, there is a nice side table / corner module as well as a upholstery bench for the relaxed sitting and lying comfort.
We use a first-class, proven outdoor fabric that is specially laminated inside and therefore does not allow water to pass through. The upholstery consists of a high-quality and elaborate upholstery structure with flexible slats, and high-quality furniture foam. This ensures a particularly high and incomparable seating comfort. The slats provide a rebound and significantly longer stable seating comfort compared to pure foam fillings. Premium - Quality Made in Germany.
Manufacturer Fischer Möbel
Family Luna Collection
Architonic ID 20714159
Year of Launch 2023

Also available in 1 other variant

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Luna Lounge Dining Element with Tuck | Sofas | Fischer Möbel

Luna Lounge Dining Element with Tuck

Fischer Möbel

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