EYLA conference chair

Office chairs from Girsberger, Designed by Burkhard Vogtherr, Jonathan Prestwich

Product description


With its elegant design, chair "Eyla" is ideal for use in high-end conference settings. Yet because it is easy to operate and available in multiple different versions, it is equally suited to use as a universal swivel chair in the company or home office. Generous cushioning and a concealed tilt mechanism make this chair extremely comfortable, whichever version is chosen. The latter allows the user to sit back comfortably by sliding the seat forwards and tilting the backrest. The spring tension automatically adjusts to the user's weight. It also has excellent eco-credentials, as Girsberger's production is CO2 neutral. Für den repräsentativen Konferenzbereich ist der Sessel mit
4-Sternfuss und wahlweise höhenverstellbar oder mit fixer Höhe und Rückdrehfunktion verfügbar. Für den Arbeitsbereich verfügt „Eyla“ über einen 5-Sternfuss. Zudem kann zwischen einer niedrigen oder einer hohen Rückenlehne gewählt werden, welche den repräsentativen Charakter des Sessels besonders betont.
Die markant geformte Ringarmlehne fungiert formal und funktional als Bindeglied zwischen Sitz und Rückenlehne. Sie kann ebenso wie das Standgestell in poliertem oder schwarz beschichtetem Aluminium ausgeführt sein und verfügt optional über eine Armauflage.

For high-end conference use it is available with a four-prong base that is either height-adjustable or has a fixed height and swivel return function. For personal workspaces, "Eyla" comes with a five-prong base. There is also the option of a standard or high backrest, which gives the chair a particularly imposing appearance.
The distinctive circular armrests are both formal and functional, connecting the seat and backrest. Like the seat post they are available in polished or black-coated aluminium, with or without an armrest cap.
The upholstery options for "Eyla" include the two new and highly exclusive leathers Vitoria and Verona. Vitoria is an untreated eco-leather which is tanned using olive leaf extract and has a delicate waxy feel. Verona is a nubuck leather with particularly soft feel.
Manufacturer Girsberger
Family EYLA
Architonic ID 20244900
Year of Launch 2021

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EYLA conference chair


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