Nova C Back Circle configuration

Benches from Green Furniture Concept, Designed by Johan Berhin

Product description

This Nova C Back Circle configuration offers 16 seats and measures 3200 mm across.

The single-sided version of Nova C, makes it easy to design around walls and can be customized to closely follow along specific structures such as walls or pillars.


Our seating line Nova C gives you the flexibility and freedom of design through modularity. With Nova C one can create configurations as unique as the space, with the potential to offer room for both interaction and privacy. Nova C offers an alternative to long rows of lateral seating and provides more seats per square meter. The small footprint makes efficient use of the space.
The design of Nova C shapes a seamless seating line for a natural flow, while the body-conscious contours ensure comfort. The configurability also goes into colors and accessories – every project can be unique! It has a high number of add-ons such as armrest, tables and chargers that can be placed according to your needs. Nova C is available in different versions, as: Bench, Double Bench, Single Back, Double Back, Lounge, Perch and Kids. Nova C can be configured to meet accessibility needs.

Nova C benches, Lounge and Perch have since 2015 been awarded several times at NeoCon.

How is Nova C sustainable? All wood used is 100% certified and sourced from responsible forestry. Steel parts are made of 85% recycled steel, plastic details are made of 100% recycled OceanIX plastic. The wood is treated with a hard wax oil with 0% VOC, making it easy to maintain. Nova C is produced in Sweden and each part can be replaced individually for a longer life cycle.
Manufacturer Green Furniture Concept
Family Nova C Seating Series
Architonic ID 1359816
Order number NBAC1
Year of Launch 2013

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Nova C Back Circle configuration | Benches | Green Furniture Concept

Nova C Back Circle configuration

Green Furniture Concept

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