Rambla | Zafiro

Ceramic tiles from Grespania Ceramica

Product description



Grespania brings you the ICON Collection, small in size but big on beauty, in line with the latest interior design trends. Fresh, dynamic porcelain collections produced with innovative techniques that recreate in these tiles the imperfections of handcrafted ceramics.

Added to this collection are the new brick formats in 7.4x30cm and 6.5x20cm. Thanks to a thorough colour study, they achieve natural perfection in timeless pieces for decorating contemporary spaces or creating a Mediterranean aesthetic. The Rambla series in 7.5x30cm format is inspired by Art Deco and transports us back to the golden years of the 1920s. Small crafted tiles with a gloss finish, irregular glaze and bold colours such as sapphire, emerald and jet. Rambla is in line with the latest trends in interior decoration, redefining the meaning of luxury and connecting in perfect harmony with golden tones and natural materials.
Manufacturer Grespania Ceramica
Family Rambla
Architonic ID 20217039
Year of Launch 2021

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Rambla | Zafiro | Ceramic tiles | Grespania Ceramica

Rambla | Zafiro

Grespania Ceramica

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