Jansen Art'15

Internal doors from Jansen

Product description

Slim steel profile system for interior doors and walls: The extremely reduced face width of Jansen Art'15, the new non-insulated steel profile system from Jansen, allows a unique design, while the steel material ensures a long service life. In this way, Jansen Art'15 not only meets the high design demands of ambitious architects, but also the high expectations of discerning clients in terms of design and function. Jansen Art'15 doors and partitions separate the entrance hall from the living space, the kitchen from the dining area, or the home office from the living room, without compromising on the generous space. The extremely narrow, highly resilient steel profile system always ensures durable, highly stable constructions in an unparalleled slimline frame.


The non-insulated profile systems from Jansen for windows and doors in steel or stainless steel are suitable for use in parts of a building in which there are thermal insulation requirements to fulfil and therefore no insulating properties are required. The door and window systems of the Jansen Economy series are suitable for dry and wet glazing and are economical and flexible in use. With their minimal basic depths, the complete systems can even be flush-fitted in narrow constructions and still guarantee maximum stability. The door systems are also available with easy-access thresholds.

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Part of the collection DOORS.
Manufacturer Jansen
Family Steel doors, non-insulated
Architonic ID 20090095

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