MAXIMA SET commercial sink

Kitchen sinks from KWC Professional

Product description

Commercial sink and underframe welded together, stainless steel, surface satin finished, material thickness 1 mm, two deep drawn seamless welded bowls, without overflow and 80 mm tap ledge, 1 1/2" waste with two part overflow tube consisting of perforated stainless steel tube and plastic tube, drain board with riffle and slanted to bowl, storage board left or right, drain board on opposite side of drain board, drain board with reinforced stainless steel bracket, 100 mm rear upstand, underframe with 300 mm cover, feet 40x40 mm and height adjustable to 25 mm, cross stud on backside for better stability, drilling holes for wall mounting prelasered.

Set consisting of MAXL227-260 + underframe MAXF260-70 to screw


The high-quality commercial fcatering product range is noteworthy for its wide selection, generous-sized working sinks and variable storage surfaces. The product range is supplemented with the corresponding frames. The commercial sinks are used in professional food processing and for commercial use.

More about this product

Part of the collection CATERING SINKS.
Manufacturer KWC Professional
Architonic ID 20098641
Order number 2000104004 / MAXL227-260 SET

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MAXIMA SET commercial sink | Kitchen sinks | KWC Professional

MAXIMA SET commercial sink

KWC Professional

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