Sistem N Neutro Grigio Chiaro Naturale

Ceramic tiles from Marazzi Group

Product description


SistemN by Marazzi Tecnica is an innovative porcelain produced with the aid of environmentally-aware, state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. A collection of ceramic tiles with neutral shades graded from white to black, three exquisite surfaces and four different sizes, it is a ceramic project with high technical performance values that integrates and dialogues with the SistemA and SistemT collections. The SistemN porcelain slabs are suitable for use as floor and wall coverings in private or commercial locations, indoors and out.

Double-Loaded Fine Porcelain Stoneware.

11 mm

Natural: available in all colors and sizes. Polished: available in all colors and in the 60x60 cm size. Bush-hammered: available in Bianco, Sabbia, Grigio Chiaro, Grigio Scuro e Nero, in 60x60 cm, 30x60 cm, 15x60 cm, 10x60 cm sizes.

90x90 cm

45x90 cm – NEW SIZE. 60x60 cm 30x60 cm 15x60 cm 10x60 cm

Bianco, Bianco Puro, Sabbia, Tortora, Fango, Grigio Chiaro, Grigio Medio, Grigio Scuro, Grafite, Nero.

Mosaic 30x30 cm. Available in all colors. Muretto (wall) Insert 30x60 cm, obtained from irregular listels with different surface finishes. Available in Bianco, Sabbia, Grigio Chiaro, Grigio Scuro, Nero. Metal Listel 0,5x60 cm.

Step Tile. 30x60 cm size. Available in all colors in the natural finish. Skirting Tile. 30x60 cm. Available in all colors in the natural finish.

Marazzi Tecnica’s SistemN collection is ideal for wall covering and for flooring of internal and external solutions, both commercial and private.
Manufacturer Marazzi Group
Family Sistem N
Architonic ID 1216570

Also available in 34 other variants

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Sistem N Neutro Grigio Chiaro Naturale

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