Alva FR - 03 smoke

Drapery fabrics from nya nordiska

Product description

approx. 300 cm
10 g/m2
50% polyester Trevira CS 50% polyester


Woven air. This is as sheer as it gets in textile window drapes. The single-coloured gauze Alva FR fuses feather-weight transparency with ingeniously iridescent colour schemes. Different colour combinations in warp and weft shimmer in a plethora of nuances when hit by light while a carefully selected scale of non-colours and discreet pastel shades make for modern elegance. This double-width fabric with an organza feel combines a visual “breath of nothing” with a pleasantly dimmed incidence of light in residential and contract interiors.
Manufacturer nya nordiska
Family Alva FR
Architonic ID 20225988
Year of Launch 1905

Also available in 7 other variants


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Alva FR - 03 smoke

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