Tata Armchair

Chairs from Pointhouse, Designed by Arter & Citton

Product description

Metal frame with a customized section and die-cast aluminum fastening joint to the polyurethane seat.
The Tata armchair is available in different finishes: fabric, eco-leather and natural leather.


Tata collection is composed by two products: Tata and Tata Young.
This two chairs differentiate both for aesthetic and market placement.
Tata is placed on a higher market segment, for its more structured concept that brings out the design lines and the technical details of the product.
Tata Young is thought to meet the demands of a younger public, looking for an easy product with a competitive price. Tata Young’s peculiarity is also the seat fastening, approached from a different angle. A metallic tubular section composes with a single and soft line in the back of the structure, embracing the seat fastening cover made in technopolymer.
Manufacturer Pointhouse
Family Tata
Architonic ID 20267326
Year of Launch 2021

Also available in 4 other variants

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Tata Armchair


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