Rossoacoustic PAD R 600 PLUS

Ceiling panels from Rosso

Product description

Extremely effective, 10 mm-thick ceiling absorbers of Absorption Class A with a 33 mm-thick absorber foam clamped on the rear for optimum sound dampening in rooms.
With ceiling fastenings, their height above ground
can be adjusted progressively without tools.

1200 × 1200 × 60 mm

- white
- black
- grey dawn
- far mountain
- nightfall
- vineyard
- soft moss
- yellow field


The elements of the Rossoacoustic PAD family of products consist of three basic shapes, each of which comes in three different sizes. This enables a wide variety of applications and combinations. An effective absorber surface for design purposes or acoustic requirements can be created by combining smaller elements or by using the larger Rossoacoustic PADs. The thickness of the front fleece, the patterned edges and the regular soft surface indentations are the same for all shapes and sizes of the PAD and enable a consistent design that can be made up of very different combinations.
The Rossoacoustic PADs have a monolithic material appearance, which is simultaneously extremely precise. Due to their slim delicate structure, very thin steel wires can be used to suspend the PADs. This additionally underlines the floating lightness of the Rossoacoustic PADs.
Manufacturer Rosso
Family Rossoacoustic PAD
Architonic ID 1324103
Year of Launch 2015

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Rossoacoustic PAD R 600 PLUS | Ceiling panels | Rosso

Rossoacoustic PAD R 600 PLUS


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