Applauso Grey

Wall coverings / wallpapers from TECNOGRAFICA

Product description

Wallpaper available on:
- metal support;
- natural cellulose fiber-based support;
- vinilic supports;
- waterproof fiberglass support.
Each graphic is completely customizable, following the specific characteristics of the project.


What in the entertainment world is called the "fourth wall" represents an "invisible wall" through which the audience sees and follows the performance on stage.
It is precisely from this concept that Quarta Parete, the new wallpaper collection by Tecnografica, takes its name. Starting from the idea of theatrical scenography, our designers tried their hand at Kirigami. This ancient oriental technique involves carving and folding paper to obtain three-dimensional and relief shapes.
Thanks to this technique developed entirely by hand, Quarta Parete wallpapers create the optical illusion of depth in a room, just as the scenography creates a fake perspective on the stage.
Family Applauso
Architonic ID 20750369
Order number 83796-3
Year of Launch 2023

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Applauso Grey


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