118 H

Bar stools from Thonet, Designed by Studio Sebastian Herkner

Product description


Minimalistic and honest, at the same time elegant and filigree: chair 118 is a classic wooden chair that adds subtle elegance to any dining table or restaurant. The principle of reducing a chair to the fewest elements possible was introduced by Michael Thonet in the mid-19th century. Chair 118 is a further development that considers the company’s heritage and goes one step further.

Sebastian Herkner added sophisticated details, which make the design less dominant yet even nobler. The shape of the chair’s legs is another special feature: they’re rounded on the back, and slight edges on the front create a certain break, which alludes to the horseshoe shape of the seating surface. The bent seat frame and the hand crafted seat covered with wicker cane refer to the original archetype of a Thonet chair, no. 214. The chair 118 is optionally available with a moulded seat.
Manufacturer Thonet
Family 118
Architonic ID 20178866
Year of Launch 2018

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