WallBars CombiTrainer

Multi gyms from WATERROWER | NOHRD

Product description

The CombiTrainer is manufactured in our range of high-quality wood. The measurements are 74.8” x 23.6 “ (device) + 33.5" x 13.7" with a total weight of 33 lb.


Multi-functional training
Convert your WallBars into a multi-functional exercise station with additional accessories like the CombiTrainer.

The CombiTrainer
Use your bodyweight for resistance - regardless of body position: the CombiTrainer effectively works all muscle groups thanks to variable sitting and prone positions. The cables run smoothly and quietly along ball bearing pulleys, as does the bench glide back and forth. Simply hang the CombiTrainer into the WallBars at different heights to extend the range of your workout.
The CombiTrainer’s bench is upholstered with a special, nub fabric to prevent slipping and guarantee a strong hold -in any position- during exercise. You’ll only be working against your bodyweight: to increase the challenge, select a higher rung to hang the CombiTrainer onto. After your workout the unit can be placed directly onto the WallBars for storage.

More about this product

Family WallBars CombiTrainer
Architonic ID 1511352
Year of Launch 2014


Manufacturer’s Catalogues

icon-info The price is estimated using the manufacturer's recommended retail price (RRP) and excludes VAT and other additional costs. For exact pricing, customised offers and purchase information, please contact the manufacturer via our request form.


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WallBars CombiTrainer | Multi gyms | WATERROWER | NOHRD

WallBars CombiTrainer


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