Eiermann 1 black

Tréteaux de Richard Lampert, Dessinée par Egon Eiermann

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Également disponible en 8 autres variantes

Plus de produits de la famille Eiermann 1 tableframe


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The top table: Richard Lampert and the Eiermann table frame ...

Brand story

Richard Lampert

For furniture brand Richard Lampert, 2023 has been a year of celebration, with the firm's 30th anniversary taking place as well as the 70th birthday of a legendary piece of its collection – the original Eiermann 1 Table Frame.

Furniture with style and character

DETAIL - Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail


The sustainable products manufactured by Richard Lampert, a Stuttgart-based company, are characterised by superior design coupled with handcrafted quality.

Voir tous les catalogues de Richard Lampert

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Eiermann 1 black | Tréteaux | Richard Lampert

Eiermann 1 black

Richard Lampert

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