Buit Poltroncina
Poltrone di GANDIABLASCO, Disegnato da Mayice Studio
Descrizione del prodotto
Sedile: 37h cm / 15"h
corda intrecciata (opzionale)
From the aesthetic point of view, BUIT brings visual lightness. As it is a folding sheet, the visual impact on the space is less than that of other volumetric furniture. It is easy to combine and integrate in spaces. From a material and functional point of view, it is ultra‐light: the mesh allows water to disappear very quickly and dust to be kept away.
On the other hand, the Febrik by Kvadrat fabric is very resistant and high quality, while the braiding is reminiscent of wool and provides that touch of warmth that outdoor furniture sometimes lacks.”
Made of thermo-lacquered aluminium. Braided fabric lace:100% Trevira cs (grey)
Collections colour sample: bottle green, night blue, white, agate grey, cement grey, bottle green, sand, bronze, wine red, blue grey, grey blue, quartz grey, anthracite and black.
Altre informazioni su questo prodotto
Altri prodotti della famiglia Buit
Cataloghi del produttore
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Informazioni di contatto
Músico Vert, 4, 46870 Ontinyent (Valencia) Stati Uniti d'America
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GANDIABLASCOInformazioni di contatto
Músico Vert, 4, 46870 Ontinyent (Valencia) Stati Uniti d'America
Partners distributori
Dove comprare questo prodotto